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I can hear my heart beating and feel it in my finger tips. My head is on top of Logan's rock hard abs/chest. I am trying to act cool and breathe. Breathing is important. I have craved this moment for a long time, to be held close to a boy. who most of the time in my dreams had amazing hair. 

I never imagined that boy would be Logan though, the boy who held me in my dreams face was blurred as I had never found the boy I trusted enough to hold me. Now here I am with Logan Thompson , the boy everyone dreams to be with and his arm is warped around my waist. His arm is wrapped around my waist, me , Luna heart , the girl who was ignored and no one paid enough attention to see. 

Why am I here in his arms? I suck a breath in and the sinking feeling in my stomach sinks in. I look up at the screen and Thomas has just run into the maze. I forget why I was sad, for the most part and smile up at the screen. I repeat Minho's words under my breath and laugh, this is one of my favourite scenes and I know it by heart. "Wow you really do love this film" Logan's voice tickles my neck and I turn around basically laying on top of him and he wraps his arms around my waist again.

 I look and realise I am not 'basically' laying on top of him, I literally am on top of him as we both lay down. It's like a hug but laying flat on your back, and oh my god his hands are firmly planted on my waist. I snap back into it and realise he was talking to me but when I look down and kind of up at Logan he's got a smug grin on his face. "Definitely, i ain't no fake fan, I love the maze runner" I say , making him laugh. It's a weird feeling. 

I can feel him underneath me and when he laughs I can feel it too. "Hey, you sided with me to watch it. Does that mean you were lying and are a fake fan?" I ask him and try to wiggle my eyebrows and I am sure I look like a fool but I found it funny to try so i don't care. When I focus in on Logan waiting for him to answer I realise his cheeks have become rosy and he's not looking at me like he's trying not to make eye contact.

 "OH i can't believe this, you don't like it don't you!" I whisper, shout and poke him in the side making no difference to him as he remains still. I think back and remember Jay. I think he was saying something about Logan hating something and Logan kicked him, i just thought he wanted to kick jay for the giggles. "I don't hate it, but i just don't find it interesting" he mumbles the last part and i try to give him my most disapproving look but i am struggling to not laugh. 

I look up at him and see him watching me closely with light eyes. It hit me suddenly, why did he lie then? If he disliked the films why side with me and watch them? I look up and he smiles at me ever so slightly and he looks nervous. I gulp and I can't seem to look away from him. The magnetic pull in between us is so strong. The thrill of it all rushes to me and I shuffle up his body just a little so I hover over him so I am no longer lying on his chest. I look in his eyes for anything, answers maybe. 

I don't have to look long before the stupid spark in his eyes pops like it keeps doing to me, it draws me in but i am not scared. For one's there is no uncertainty or thinking of the what ifs or what does this mean. I just want to kiss his dumb beautiful lips. "NIGHT" a light scream comes from behind me and I scramble away from Logan falling off the bean bag and onto the ground with a thud. I looked up nervously to see Jack smiling evilly and the others standing proudly next to him with what can only be called smug expressions, they knew what they were doing.

 "We are all going to bed" Jack says to Logan with a wink and then he looks at me. "Before we went graham wanted to tell you something Luna" jack said before he, Tim and jay rushed away leaving a stunned graham. "Oh um, yeah i need to tell you something" he grumbled shooting the running boys daggers before walking towards a tree a little away from the projector. When I catch up with Graham he leans against the tree and takes a deep breath before dragging a hand through his hair and turning abruptly towards me. 

"I thought they were coming with me to do this so instead i am gonna tell you everything then basically run away" he quickly says rambling. I just nod my head and wait patiently to hear what he is going to say, then after a while he shakes himself and breathes hard then grabs my shoulders. "OK well here goes nothing, uh so basically we all, jack, Tim, jay and i wanted to tell you to give Logan a chance as he's basically been obsessed with you for a while now and we think you should give him a chance. Plus dont tell him we said that as we don't want to die" he whispers shouts then takes off leaving me with wide eyes and so many questions. 

He screams a bye to Logan and me and rushes into the building. Obsessed? I slowly walk back towards Logan who has been watching my interaction with graham and now his eye brows are pinched together. "What did he say?" Logan asked even before I could sit. 

I try wetting my crazy dry lips and taking a breath but Logan is already on his feet and standing in front of me waiting for an answer. I open, then close my mouth a couple of times trying to answer, before I just shrug and step back away from Logan and fiddle with my hair.

 "You're not gonna tell me tinny?" he asks tilting his head and takes a step forwards. I hide my smile behind my hand and shake my head taking another step away from him. He cocks an eyebrow up and steps forward and I can't hide my smile this time and neither can he. 

I take another two steps this time and suppress my giggle, "sorry but that's confidential information '' I say with a shrug and Logan laughs. He only takes one large step forward and our shoes are touching and I look down to see before I look up into his eyes. 

I smile sweaty at him before I take off running. Who knows where. I can feel the chilly wind in my face and it makes me want to scream and I just keep running and I start laughing loudly. I twist my head round and see Logan laughing while being hot on my heels. I shriek and run in zig zags.

 Then something or more like Logan gets a grasp of my hoodie and pulls me backwards making me trip and roll onto the ground landing on something hard but not the ground. I peek one eye open and see Logan smiling under me and realise I am yet again straddling him. A laugh bubbles out of me and I crawl and push off Logan to stand up but his grip on me tightens and I look down to him. 

He has sat up a little but I am still on his lap. He's breathing hard and I see his chest rise and fall a lot faster and I just breathe and push forward. His lips smash against mine and it's everything and more than what I imagined as a kid. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and his wraps around my waist. I push forward, craving to be closer to him. There is so much raw emotion and feelings around me and it's wrapping around me keeping me warm. Nothing else mattered in the word but this moment. I felt safe with him. 

I felt him grinning against my lips, a shiver runs through me before I detach our lips, I rest my head against his and smile at him. 

So that's what it feels like to kiss. 

Absolutely fucking amazing especially when your kissing Logan Thomson. 

author note <3

this has nothing to do with my story but i just finished the shatter me series and i am kind of in a reading slump so that sucks but Logan and Luna  kissed so yay! thank you for reading! xx 

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