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A gust of wind blows the fallen out strands of hair twirling in front of me, I smile up and Logan and jump down the wooden stand and run down the track and grab the seat. I pull it up walking backwards and Logan is just standing watching me with his smile matching mine. I climb back up with the seat but when I get up Logan grabs it off me. 

"Well thank you now if you don't mind moving" he says and frowns but then i just push him making him go swinging over backwards. I laugh as he screams and waves his legs about, this gets the attention of the others and they rush over pushing me aside deciding who goes next.

 "Um hello?" i wave my hands about trying to get the bickering idiots attention, jack turns his head and smiles and shoves Tim who whips his head round to face jack and punches his arm, "luna loo was here first she shall go before us all" jack says to an angry Tim who calms down at his words and soon a mischievous smile spreads on his face as he whispers something to graham, i have a feeling this isn't going to end well for me. 

They all move out the way as Logan runs up and hands the seat to Graham who's standing closest to the ledge and Logan comes to stand next to me. Suddenly I am being nudged forward and sat down on the seat. Graham holds the swing in place as Jay and Jack hold the bottom of it with cheeky grins on their smug faces."3...2...1...go!" Tim screams and then I lunge forward with the two boys holding the seat and running forward, right before the end of the line they both push exceedingly hard and I go flying upward as a scream runs out of me. 

I nearly hit the floor when I fly back down but miss it by a little and soon I am zooming back up to the wooden block where a laughing Logan grabs the seat and catches me before I fall back down. I grab his hand and climb off the seat and nearly fall because of how dizzy I am but Logan wraps a hand round my waist, steadying me. 

Gosh i should feel butterflies but why would i feel nervous around someone who's made me feel so safe. My dad always told me not having butterflies around someone is a good thing and I think I finally understand him. "Ok we leave in 10 minutes so we should probably head to the bus now guys" Jack says from down below and when he notices Logan's arm around my waist he nudges his eyebrows and smiles at me before walking beside graham.

 Me and Logan head down and neither of us pull away from each other, it's kinda adorable. We head back to the bus and the sun has set so it's no longer as warm and I am just exhausted to be honest, and with Logan holding my waist still I lean into him."Are you tired?" he asks me when we reach the bus parking lot, i nod my head and laugh "i can't wait to eat dinner and just go to bed" i say with a small smile. 

Mrs. Willow then appears in front of me and I step a little away from Logan, Mrs Willow is no longer wearing her floppy hat and her curly hair looks a little crazier than usual. "Ah there you are Luna, it was hot out today wasn't it" she says smiling down at Logan's arm and i nod my head.

 "Well i came to say sorry actually" she says with a suspicious smile on her face as i wait to hear her continue, what could it be? Oh why now everything has been so perfect and of course my bad luck is back. "Well a girl on the boys bus has moved onto your bus Luna so if it's ok with you could you go in the other bus with the boys and not me?" she says with a cheeky grin and i look at her with wide eyes but a huge smile, of course i agree. 

Me and Logan walk towards the boys who are near the front of the line to get onto the bus. "yo Luna i thought you were on the other bus?" Tim asked from beside Graham who also looks confused. "Someone wanted to swap buses and so i am now on this one, is it ok if i sit with you all?" to be honest i just assumed i would sit with them but maybe i could be wrong.

 Logan huffs from next to me and I look up to see him already looking at me with a 'you serious look?' "Tiny you're stuck with us now so obviously you're sitting with us, actually you're sitting with me" he says with a pointed look as graham scoffs. 

"Two first rude things, you are meant to sit with me and two tiny?" I laugh at his puzzled expression and dig my elbow into Logan's side and shake my head. "No you all call her Luna loo but I call her tiny, just me" Logan says with a serious voice just making the boys laugh. "Ok dont worry we won't steal her from you, oh i mean her nickname" jay says still laughing, right when i go to question that statement i am nudged forward onto the bus by Logan as he gives jay the fingers. 

We are sitting near the back and I slide into the seat. Logan plops down next to me with a sigh, I turn my head and see he's got his head in his hands. "Tired?" I ask as I smile at him, he turns his head in his hands and nods smiling at me. 

I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone and start playing my music, not long after the bus starts moving. My seat jerks forward as I turn around and see graham and jack behind us and graham is kicking Logan's seat to get his attention.

 I take my headphones out just to hear graham whisper shouting "Logan, Logan, Logan!" I poke Logan and he sits up and looks at me with confusion and I nod my head towards graham. I put my headphones in as Graham starts to whisper something to him and close my eyes. I think it's been two minutes when my head is gently moved onto something soft but hard, I pop open my eyes and realise my head is on Logan's shoulder and he is looking nervously down at me. #

"You looked uncomfortable" he whispers to me and I smile and nod. I take out one of my headphones and give it to him just as 'i wanna be yours' by the arctic monkeys plays. 

He puts it in and lays his head on top of mine and I close my eyes. 

Just enjoying the music and being close to him. 

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