Chapter 1

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The rain...

The pitter-patter sound drops, like my thoughts

One after the other

In waves of confusion and emptiness

Wondering where it all went, and why it left...

The rain...

Pours down like my tears 

Heavy and loud

In clumps of hurt and sadness

Wanting to know.. how to make it stop...

Kayo_Bakugou presents:

✧His Loving Lie✧

Date: 15/04/XXXX
Location: Rosebud Cafe, Tokyo, Japan

Time: 2:40 pm

3rd person POV:

 ♡ Y/N was sitting in her usual booth at her favourite cafe, hot cup of coffee in her hands as she watched the rain pitter-patter against the glass. She enjoyed it's sound as well as the low hum of chatter of the usual customers along side her. Yet there was always one person who caught her eye. She didn't know who he was or where he came from. In fact, the only thing Y/N knew about him was his time at the cafe. Arrives at 2:00, orders at 2:10, sits until 2:55 and then gets up, pays and leaves by 3:00. ♡

♡ His curly green hair was very recognisable, even under the blackness of his cap. However, she had never seen him anywhere around the city. Y/N was a Pro- Hero, been once ever since she graduated U.A High six years ago.♡

♡She had done very well for herself in such a short amount of time. Joined Endeavour's hero agency at 19 years old, then went to create her own agency 2 years later.♡ 

♡24 and super successful. That would be anyone's dream. However she was missing something... Love♡

♡Who was she to be with all her life?♡

♡Was she destined to be alone?♡

♡ Or had her partner not come by yet?♡

♡Where was he?♡


"Here you go" 

Y/N hands over the money for her coffee with a bright smile and umbrella in hand as she proceeds to leave the cafe. She always took Sunday's off from hero work.

She was on her way to her usual library to take up the rest of her afternoon, trapped in fantasy after fantasy.

However her usual route was blocked off. Villains had destroyed a couple blocks up ahead, so she needed to take a detour.

"sighs. Just my luck isn't it?... Hey Siri?"

Y/N look at her wrist, wearing her smartwatch

"How do I get to Minako Library?"


Half an hour later and Y/N is still treading along the path, umbrella tight in her grasp.

"Okay Siri... Where the hell am I???"

It was dark. Dark with twisted alleyways and awful smells.

She kept walking on, heels killing her as she bumped into someone. Someone familiar...

"Sorry... but aren't you.."

Before she could finish her sentence, the curly haired male took 2 steps away from her, holding what looked like a cricket bat, but it was hard to tell as it was pretty much pitch black in the shadows. Then there was the smell.

What was that smell?


Y/N stands in shock... Who was he? What does he do? Why was there this awful smell of blood. So pungent. Without a second thought, Y/N ran as fast as she could out of there, turning wherever she could until...

Black. Pitch black. With a pounding headache. She was knocked out cold.

Location: ????

Time: ????


♡ Where am I? ♡


Sorry it was so short TwT

I think this will be one of those stories that start of rubbish but get better and better as time goes on lmao

Anywho, still, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I will try to post out the next chapter when I can ^^

Thanks for reading this shitty chapter and I'll see you soon ^^

Baiiiii xxx

-Kayo x

Word count: 576

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