Chapter 14

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(A/N: Song I listened to when writing this ^. Thought that it fitted in nicely with the chapter, especially the chorus playing with the first few paragraphs ^^)

Deku POV:

To think that I went from wanting to just... use her, to then wishing that I could spend any moment I could with her baffles my mind. But seeing her so happy, so filled with energy, it warms me in a way that I'm not familiar with. 

... and knowing that in the near future, the reason her smile will be no longer there because of me, twists my stomach into this sickening feeling that haunts me.

It's been a few weeks since our lunch... outing? I can't call it a date because it wasn't, though I wish it was. Ever since then, however, she consumes my thoughts daily and I never want them to stop, and at the same time I wish they would.

It's a sick, bittersweet feeling. But this is the choice I need to make: Love her and lose my life or  keep her, break her heart, and keep the messed up life I have.

And I know I'd hate myself for it everyday... but I pick the latter...

Maybe one day I'll change. But she deserves better than me. Not someone who just wants to use her as his middle person.

Fuck this is hard hah... The sooner I get this over with the better. As much as I want her... I also want my revenge against Kac- Bakugou. This has been my main goal for years. I can't let everything I went through go to waste.

"Oi- stop day dreaming will ya!"

Dabi comes into the room and disturbs my thoughts.

"sigh... What do you want 'Endeavour knock-off' ?" 

The blue flames flashed for a moment before calming and Dabi inhaling, and by my guess counting to 3 in his head and exhaling. 

"Crusty is calling for you. And call me that fucking cursed name again and I'll make sure you disappear off the face of the earth, and no one will have a fucking clue where your burnt corpse is."

"Jeez grumpy, who shat on your mood today?"

 I rolled my eyes at him before reluctantly getting up to see Shiggy. He was sitting in his usual spot, at the bar with Kurogiri. 

He stared me dead in the eyes when the floorboards made the creaky sound it always does.

"Come here, sit with me."

I raise my eyebrow before taking the barstool next to him. Kurogiri hands me a drink which I decline. Nicely, I'll add. He was nice so I wouldn't be rude, especially since he was the one to train me all those years ago.

Basically- at the end of it, Shiggy talked me through security plans, positions and different weaponised systems that heroes have and that I should be wary of. 

I stood up to leave (after an hour and a half of him yapping) when he ended with this...

"Oh and Deku.... Don't forget the end sight of your mission. Master would hate to know that a target was missed because someone got... distracted"

I turned to face him. No one knew I actually did like her, but I couldn't hide it forever. Not when I'm deliberately taking this long to fulfil the mission entrusted to me. I couldn't let them down

As sad as it was, these guys were like my family. Sure Shiggy has a weird obsession with attacking UA kids (that ended and panned onto when they became Pros. Kacchan's year funnily enough-), and Dabi is an asshole and Toga is a fucking vampire and possibly a yandere-..

Man are these fucked up people- But hey ho. I'm fucked up too. 

I leave the base and go on a walk. I needed the fresh air after the strange threat Shigaraki gave me. I only called him his first name when he pisses me off.

And surprisingly, out of character and luck for me- I see the one person who can take all my worries away... Y/N.


AT.... 7:11AM!

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i hope you have enjoyed!
Thank you to all the reads so far! 

They mean so much to me!

Like im still processing how i have over 2k reads, its crazy

i love all of you xx so thank you so much!

I'll see ya in the next chapter!

-Kayo xxx

(Word Count: 742)

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