Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. How much did I have to drink last night?

More importantly- Where was I? Because I do not remember leaving that place with Kat.

Kat. Shit. He will be so fucking pissed- Oh god.

I was about to lunge forward in search for my phone when I suddenly felt the extra weight I had on my stomach. An arm? Oh fuck...who was this?

I turn my head towards the body next to me and I immediately feel myself go the deepest shade of red. 

"Mornin' Doll~ How was your sleep?"

Oh.My.God. (A/N: Janice vibes anyone-)I quickly checked under the covers and gave the biggest sigh of relief when I saw that I was fully clothed. 

So not  sex- thank god.

"What in the hell are you doing here?- How did you even get in?" My face was still flushed with red but I pushed the heat across my face aside for a moment. He stared at me so intensely before smirking at me and replying.

"My my Doll, you'd think you would remember who you let into your apartment, let alone your bed."

I was about to protest against him before I heard the violent buzz on my bedside table. I pick up my phone and see 15 missed calls and over 20 messages from Kat... Shit.

He calls once more and I shaking-ly answer the phone... "Hel-"

"OI DIPSHIT! Where the fuck did you go last night?! Do you know how worried I-.. everyone was? No one knew where you went and you wouldn't answer your goddamn phone. Where are you?"

I sat in silence as he went off at me. It was fair enough, I did disappear without telling anyone. But even I didn't know what happened last night, how was I supposed to explain to him I got home when it's over an hour to walk it- I don't walk unless I need to (hero work). Before I could answer his questions Deku yanked the phone out of my hand and began to speak-

Oh god...

"Listen I don't know who you are but leave this lovely lady alone. No need to worry about her, she's safe at home.. with me. Enjoy your day..." Before hanging up he reads the name of the caller and smirks. What was funny about that-?

"As I was saying, enjoy your day... Kacchan."

 Kacchan? Type of name is that-?

 He hung up the phone and laid back down on my bed.

"Woah woah, absolutely not! You- you need to leave! And also- don't answer my calls like that! That could've been my boss for all you know." I protested against him as he made himself more comfortable.

"Oh c'mon Doll, it's your day off just like it is mine. Let me rest for a bit, I'll make it up to you or whatever later. And it was very obvious that it was not  your boss."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"I don't know any bosses that bark so much. Or at all even." 

He yawned before shutting his eyes and resuming his sleep. I bit my lip to conceal my laugh. I gotta admit- that was funny as hell. I creeped out of bed, fixed myself up and went into the living room to watch TV,  something I rarely did. But hey everything that's happened so far, in the past half hour or so, was a rare phenomenon so why not?

Deku POV:

Well that was not the way I was expecting to reveal myself to him, but I couldn't pass up the chance of messing with him. Letting all those memories flood back into his mind. Take over him and consume him until it drives him crazy. It was the least he deserved.

This bed on the other hand. It's been so long since I've slept in an actual bed. Shiggy couldn't give 2 shits about us, so long as we got the job done. And I would, however for some reason I liked the long game time. I could of been done and dusted with Bakugou long ago, however meeting Y/N... she.. she made me want to stay longer. This warm feeling came over me again but before I could register it fully, a knock went off at the door rushing Y/N to the room and shutting the door after giving me a stern look saying:

"Don't make a sound."

I heard the door open and the not so mysterious person barge through.

Katsuki POV:

I stood there with agony stabbing my heart. It couldn't be true. I must of heard wrong. Thoughts plagued my mind as I stood besides my car, outside Y/N's apartment complex. Without a second thought, I slammed the door shut, locked the car and ran up the stairs to her floor. She just had to pick a place on one of the higher floors didn't she? 

I eventually reach her floor and run to the door. Screw knocking, I whammed my fist against the door and I could immediately hear the shuffling and frantic steps from inside. The locks turn and the door opens, revealing a flushed faced Y/N.

I didn't bother with pleasantries as I walked in, took my shoes off and sat on the sofa. She came behind me, and sat on the armchair across from me as I stared into her eyes, trying to figure her out.



The tension in the air was thick. Really thick. We both knew why I was here, so there was no point in beating around the bush. I just had so many questions rampaging my mind I had no idea where to start.

"Who was he? And why was he at your place? Is he still here?" The questions slipped out faster than I intended but at least they were in the air now. She stared at me with a puzzled expression before slowly answering.

"He was just an acquaintance that I know, he...he brought me home last night, and no he isn't but..." She trailed off before staring at me again.

"Why are you asking and questioning me like a concerned boyfriend?"

My eye twitched slightly and something my heart? I shoved whatever strange ass feelings I had aside and stared directly back at her.

"I'm a concerned friend who is a male. Good enough. Whatever, I'm just gonna leave, you're clearly fine."

I don't get it... we weren't dating, and I had no interest in dating at all, much less her. So why did her showing me out of her place and the tedious walk back to my car hurt?


thank you sm for reading this chapterrr
and thank you for all the reads ive had so far, each mean so much to meeee

i hope you all enjoyeddd and ill catch you in the next part

see ya there :3

- Kayo xxx

Word Count:  1115

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