Chapter 15

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I decided to go out for a stroll about town. It had been a while and I missed the shops and the atmosphere. It was busy, as usual and each store was filled to the brim with customers. You could tell there were tourists from all over the world here. I wasn't surprised as this area had always been a hit on the global travel guides. Though it did mean it was impossible to find anything I liked before it was taken.

As I continue to walk along the hustling streets I spot a familiar face with an unusual expression plastered on him. He looks up and our eyes meet. My head starts to tingle from the awareness of his gaze as he continued to stare deep into my eyes. It had taken me a moment to realise he was walking towards me before I snapped out of my trance.

"Hi." I let out, slightly more breathlessly than I had imagined it would be.

"Hey, never seen you around here before?"

Well- it had been a while. "Ah- yeah, I used to come here a lot but, you know, with hero work and such I never got a chance to come back. You here often?"

"You could say that."  A smile grew slightly on his face, and he seemed a bit more relaxed than he did moments before.

"You want to take a walk with me?"

His shoulders relaxed more, going back to the normal Deku that I was used to.

"Of course, Doll~" He winked at me and held his arm out.

I gave him a light nudge before laughing and taking his arm. We began just strolling around, looking at different stores and me finally looking for things for my apartment. I had made the decision to make the place feel more homely.

We stopped at a particular store, it was small and dainty but had such beautiful paintings that I just couldn't ignore it. We had spent some time in there and I was prepared to spend more when a familiar voice broke my trance.


I take a moment to register the voice before smiling and spinning around to see my dear old friend Mina Ashido. "Hey! Long time no see"

She gives me a warm smile before flipping her attention to the curly haired male next to me.

"Same for you. Has that much time passed that you've finally been able to snatch a boyfriend?"

I laugh awkwardly. I wanted to deny it but I felt oddly warm by the thought. Moments pass and I'm about to reply to her when Deku says something for me.

"Indeed, we are dating" He clutches my arm tighter and intertwines his fingers in with mine. His face wears a warm smile and such loving eyes. It's a side I've seen to him briefly before.

My mind casts back to the day he came over to my apartment for the first time. The bite of the apple, the encaged space when he was with me on the balcony. Blush reaches on my cheeks and nose and I turn my face away before I snap back to reality and stare at a wide-eyed Mina and a pleased Deku.

"W-wait wait! No, that's not it!" Blushed covered my face more as I try to deny it... but this really ain't helping my case.

Kirishima walks over with Kaminiari and congratulates us, most likely having of overheard Mina's and Deku's brief conversation. They get to talking, while I catch up with Mina.

"Soooo~ How'd you two meet?" She playfully nudged me with her elbow.

"I.. I don't know why he said that, we really aren't."

"Gurl pu-lease. I know a couple when I see one. You don't look at just anyone the way that he looks at you."

My heart paused. The way he looks at me? In what way? He likes me? I cast a glance over to him, watching him smile and get along with my friends.

"And besides, he is hot- No way you haven't bagged him already, because he, my dear, is one hell of a keeper."

man i am so sorry yall- ive been so busy lately

first i had prelims (mock exams), then i had some family issues, writers block and now im sick- 
on the mend tho dw

sorry its a bit short

hope you enjoyed this part
catch yall in the next one!

~Kayo xxx

Word Count: 714

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