Chapter 16

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Deku POV:

Man do these guys shut up? They are so aggravating... how does she put up with them? How has she put up with them for so long? 

Pikachu look-a-like and Shark Teeth have been yapping on and on for what feels like forever now. It makes me feel like I'm losing braincells just having them in my presence. 

I look over at Y/N chatting away to the pink-infested alien in front of her. She seems so engrossed in the conversation, so cheery, so happy. 

So pure.

A knot forms in my stomach, twisting tighter and tighter making my rib cage feel like its turning in on itself. I brought this on myself, and now I've concreted the idea to her friends. Even if she feels nothing for me now, she will eventually since we have to play the part of a loving couple.

I watch her for a bit longer, soaking in every detail so that it gets tattooed in my memory. Her smile, the small crinkle that shows up under her eye, the rounded shape of her ears and the way her hair cascades down her back, like an extra layer of clothing. My eyes travel from the smalls of her feet, even in shoes, up to her face where I catch her staring back at me. 

Something warm forms in my stomach, and I can feel it spreading across my cheeks. 

I tear my gaze away, unable to take the heaviness of her stare. 

I zone back into the conversation with the Pikachu and Sharky as they still yap on about U.A and old memories. I plaster a fake smile and pretend to enjoy the conversation when I'd much rather whisk Y/N away and continue our time alone together.

It was more peaceful.



 As much as I love Mina and I know I haven't seen her in ages... something eats away at me. Telling me to tell them that I'll catch up another time or we can meet later... I'm not sure, but all i know is that I'd much rather spend time with Deku than I would right now with my old friends.

However, before my thoughts become more concrete, something... or someone banishes them for me.

"Oi, Shitty Hair- Where'd you run off to?"

My head swivels to the side to see a familiar spikey haired blonde approaching us. Although he called for Kirishima, his gaze seemed to be fixed on someone else. 


"What the hell are you doing here?" Katsuki said icily to him.

"Woahhh, dude you know him? When did you guys meet? And why did Y/N introduce you to him before us." Kaminari interjects, fake pouting at the end.

"Ah, you see, me and Kacchan go way back. Isn't that right?~" Deku said, a small mischievous grin appearing on his face. 

Kirishima slings an arm around Katsuki and grins. "Well that explains it! Must be nice seeing each other after so long huh?"

"Get the hell off me Shitty Hair." Katsuki grumbles, before walking over to Mina and I, avoiding Deku's lingering gaze.

He continues to walk towards us before slinging his arm in mine and pulling me away from everyone else. He takes me to the back corner of the store where its more quiet and less crowded.

"Some 'acquaintance' that is, isn't it Y/N? You lied to me that day, didn't you? He is the same guy that spoke to me on the phone, is he not?" Kat spat out bitterly. I could see something along the lines of hurt in his eyes which made zero sense to me because what about this situation hurt him?

"Kat.. it's really none of your business with whatever goes on between me and De-"

He interupts me mid-way with a snort. "Deku? Seriously? You both claim to date and you don't even know his name?"

"Wha.. Deku is his name, what the hell are you saying?"

"Y/N, do you even know who you are dealing with? Who he really is?"

"Of.. of course I do.." I trail off, because now that I think about it... I barely know anything about him. He just appeared out of nowhere one day and that was that...

Who is he really?


lets just not talk about why i was gone for so long and i pray that you will accept my chapter as my late apology....

love you all!
see u in the next chapter!

-Kayo xx

Word Count: 722

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