Chapter 5

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This chapter will contain an in-depth description of bullying, violence, s*icide bating, s*icide and gory detail.

If any of these things trigger you, I suggest perhaps not reading this chapter. At the end, for those who wish to skip, I shall add another chapter that sums up this one so that you can still enjoy the story and follow along without reading anything that may trigger you.

If none of this triggers you, then happy reading and enjoy.

Deku POV:

It started from way back when... I was 14 in middle school. Quirkless.

I was bullied everyday for the past 10 years ever since I was made aware of the news. I didn't want to accept it. I wanted to be a hero so badly... Why did the world have to treat me in such a way?

What hurt more was that the bullying came from an old ex friend of mine. Kacchan, or else known as Katsuki Bakugou. To the public, he is more widely known as Pro Hero Dynamite.

Hah. Pro Hero.

If they were to find out what he did to me. What he made me do...

He would be branded as a villainous psychopath. Not the loved hero that he is today.

His quirk was powerful. His sweat acted like nitro-glycerine and he was able to create explosions from his hands. 

Powerful. Flashy. Popular. 

The 3 main things that I wasn't.

As we got older, the bullying got more and more intense. It was during my third year in middle school that it was the worst.

Kacchan would get more physical, using his quirk any chance he got as a way to show off in front of his so-called 'friends'. If you could even call them that. They hung out with Kacchan as he was the popular kid. Without him, they were nothing.

As you could imagine, they also had pretty shitty quirks. They weren't getting far in life and they certainly would not have made it as a hero.

Time goes by, and the bullying gets worse everyday. Kacchan's 'friends' began bringing in pocket knives and found it humours to threaten me with it. To cut my fingers and act like it was a papercut. To slash my cheek, so close to my eye, as a 'warning' for the next time I decide to not get them a high enough mark for their homework.

It was getting unbearable. 

I hated them.

I hated them all.

 And just when I thought it was bad, the next thing takes second place throughout my whole life of bullying.

I was backed into a corner by Kacchan, him blasting his quirk at me as usual. He was a little more pent up than usual, and he usually took it out on me. 

This time however- he really went far...

The blast got too much. He injured his wrist.

And as for me?


Deaf and partially blind.

Now I know you are wondering, if this is second place- what takes the cake?

A simple sentence is what.

As that sentence changed my whole life...


I looked down at the floor below me, being up about 6 or 7 stories high. I took my bright red shoes off. Threw my bag anywhere, not caring where it landed as I look down for him. 


I close my eyes and replay the last thing he said to me in my mind.

"You know, if you really want to be a hero that badly there might actually be another way. Just pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

I open my eyes once more, laughing slightly as I watch him walk on.

Just a little further...... Perfect.

I put on the biggest smile I could....

... and i jumped forward.




but it was a must for the story TwT

i love you all, please take care of yourselves

If you are being bullied please dont feel afraid to tell a trusted adult, they are here to help

If anything in this chapter has triggered you, i deeply apologise and advise you speak to someone, so you are not alone- as thats the worse feeling

hope to see you all soon

tune in for chapter 6 ^^

Kayo xxx

Word Count: 690

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