Chapter 13

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Deku POV:

It had been a couple hours since Kacchan's "surprise visit". I had been expecting it, but I didn't think I'd get riled up that much by it. That punch felt good though, wish I could relive that-

A part of our conversation replayed in my mind, and to my surprise, it had nothing to with us or our past... it was about her.

"Ah, so unrequited love then. How sad... well actually no. Not sad. That's the very, very least you deserve."

He liked her? I mean I guess what amazes me is that he is able to even feel that emotion. However, it wasn't that part that left the strange pang in my heart. It was the fact that he did indeed like her. He shouldn't like her... he can't...

 I know I've not spent a lot of time with Y/N... but she is the only other person who has treated me with such kindness, aside from my mother. 

And I think... I think I.. like her too.

Which is even more a reason why I can't let Kacchan have her. 

She's mine........

And just like that, it was if "He" heard my thoughts.. and shocked me. Everything came flooding back. Like how I was trained to ignore such feelings. AFO will never let me forget it. When he gave me my quirk, he also implanted a chip near my heart... it was in case I ever betrayed him. The chip can send a range of voltage through me with the specialised remote that was made for it. If I make one wrong move... He'll kill me.

This time it was just a reminder: Don't take your eyes off the mission.

Even I'm not sure why, but he had no reason against me going after Kacchan and getting my justice for all the shit he put me through. It was a personal reason and he never accommodated to personal requests. Not that I'm complaining.

However, she is my target for a reason. I have to remember that. Otherwise all my efforts were to waste, and there was no point in me ever surviving that fall in the first place... No matter how much I'd rather do that again right now, than hurt her.

I slumped down on the sofa, wanting to escape the thoughts consuming me before I heard the rattle of keys and the door handle creak down. 

"I'm backkk! Oh and you are still here! Great, I was hoping to..well- uh toooo go out for lunch? If that's okay?"

Fuck. She just had to come back now. A twisted, sickening pain filled my stomach. I knew what I had to do... and it wasn't going to end well for either of us.


I don't know why I was so excited to get home. After making all that way to the office, just to sign 2 documents and then all the way back, of course I'd want my bed again. However as it turns out, that was not the cause for my excitement.

Rather, I believe it came from the curly haired male in my apartment still. Or well- I hope he was still there... would he stay? Or maybe he hadn't woke up yet. If he hasn't I need to get there before he does.

I put my foot down on the pedal and got home as fast as I could. No way was I going to miss him leaving, in case he did.

15 minutes later and I'm rushing up the steps, silently cursing at the building owner for not fixing the lift yet and panting outside my door. I catch my breathe before opening the door and to my relief, he is still here. Chilling on the sofa it seems.

I ask him if he wants to go to lunch with me, and to my happy delight he agrees.

The familiar feel of warmth cloaked my cheeks lightly as he gets up and walks towards me. We are about a rulers length away from each other and I could feel the overpower-ment of his gaze on me. My breath turned shallow and hitched as he edged even closer, our eyes focused on each other. He tucked a loose hair of mine behind my ear and cupped the left side of my face. His thumb stroked my cheek carefully before he dropped his hand and took a step back.

"So- uh we should get going." he stammered.

"Ah! Y-yes lets go..."

He went to the door and I could hear him fumbling to get his shoes on. My flushed face became similar to that of a tomato and I had to count sheep in my mind to calm myself and the fluttering butterflies swarming my stomach.

I took a deep breath and turned around to see him waiting for me with the door open and a smile on his face, just like the one he had they day we met for coffee after he saved me.

I smiled back brightly and walked out the door and to the car. I have no idea where we were going to go for lunch. I was just happy that I got to spend a little more time with him.

I'm doing so good lol
you guys didn't have to wait a whole monthhhh- and its a long chapter for onceeeeeeeeeee
go meeee!!!

hope you all enjoyed this oneeeeee

and ill catch you all in the next partttt xxxx

-Kayo xxx

Word Count: 888

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