pedri gonzalez: sick

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the sound of pedri wretching in the bathroom carried down the stairs and into the living room where i sat. all i heard was him throwing up for me to jump off the couch and run upstairs to his aid.

he was sitting infront of our bathroom toilet, bent over the top, throwing up. i hated throw up and he knew it. it was my irrotational fear ever since i was a little girl. but i had to stick it out for him. i knelt down next to him and rubbed his back in gentle circles, letting him know i was there. he threw up again, and again, until he laid down on the floor in exhaustion.

" i think it's all out." he said, regaining his voice. he wiped the sweat off his forehead and scooted backwards to lean against the wall. i joined him and went to go sit next to him. i grabbed his hand and held it in mine. i was about to hold him but before i could i had to make sure of one thing,

" hold up, before i hold you, are you sure you won't barf on me?"

" yeah," his voice a bit louder than a whisper. at that, i wrapped my arm around him and held his head in my arms. he let me hold him like that for a couple minutes before i told him we had to get up so i could get him in bed.

" cmon up up," i stood up and turned around to help him up off the ground. he swayed a bit at first and then he was fine. i held his hand and walked him to the bed, opening the sheets and setting him down. once he climbed in bed i tucked him in.

" i'll be right back ok?" i kissed him on his burning forehead, " just give me 5 minutes." i climbed down the stairs and heated up some chicken noodle soup in the microwave. while that was going i filled up a water bottle and got 2 ibuprofen tablets to take up to him. once the soup was done i got a tray and set the soup, water, and medicine on it, and brought it upstairs to pedri.

" here you go p," i made him sit up and set the tray on his lap. " it's ok if you don't think you can eat right now but at least drink ok?"

" alright, i think i can eat a bit." i sat in bed next to him, scrolling through my phone as he slowly ate about half of the bowl. when he was done he set it on the bedside table and took the meds with water. he sighed and scooted back down into the bed, resting his head on my stomach. he was obvious tired so i set my phone down and cuddled him.

" i'm sorry for making you help me. i know how much you hate throw up."

" it's ok. you were sick and i know that you would've done the same thing for me." i kissed him on the head and squeezed him. " i love you."

" i love you more." he nuzzled up into my neck and slowly drifted off, arms around my waist.
ok if you guys have any suggestions pls lmk! wattpad decided to be annoying and delete almost all of my drafts.

question of the chapter: what sport do you play?

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