jamal musiala: really pretty

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it was world cup season. my brother was the famous footballer kai havertz so you know it was stressful. he had a game at 1 p.m today against spain.

me and my mom were already in the stands, watching them warm up when i saw that my brother was trying to get my attention. he was pointing in the direction of the locker rooms so i assumed he wanted to talk. i left through the exit and walked all the way down the stairs and found the locker rooms. there was security so i showed them the card that kai had given me which told them that i was a relative and that i was aloud beyond this point. i opened the door and kai was sitting in his seat.

" what's up?"

" i'm nervous." he patted the seat next to him and i sat down, " we haven't really gotten off to a good start but i think i'm not to stressed."

" well it's ok to be stressed. just don't physic yourself out, you'll do great." i wrapped my arm around his shoulder and squeezed him. i stood up to notice that there was someone watching us the whole time.

" sorry." he said, " i didn't want to interrupt the intimate moment."

" ew jamal, intimate? she's my sister." i now knew who the boy was, jamal musiala. i'm pretty sure he was my age but i didn't know him that well.

" oh my bad. i forgot my water so," he walked over and picked up his water. " pretty sister by the way."

me and kai were both speechless as he walked out of the room. i barely knew him and he called me pretty. i mean he was super sweet but i was confused.

" you heard that too right?" i asked.

" yup, i'll talk to him about it later. i have to go finish warming up."

" ok have fun, love you"

" love you too." i pulled the door open and walked back out and up the stairs finding my seat again.

" mom you won't guess what just happened." i told her and filled her in about jamal, telling her that he said it totally out of the blue.

" well what do you think about him?"

" i don't know. he's cute but i barely know him you know?"

" yeah. he's good looking though." we both turned our attention to him on the field. he took notice after a while and waved to me. i waved back awkwardly. i didn't even know this boy but i knew that i already liked him. maybe just a little.


germany had tied 1-1. it was an ok performance, not bad, not good. me and my mom were now downstairs near the entrance, caught in the crowd. eventually we worked our way back to where i had just been earlier. security let us through but not through the locker room. there was a couple more families of the players but not many. the locker room door opened and kai came out over to us.

" hey nice job." i high-fived him before my mom hugged him. we stood there talking with him for a couple minutes when i saw jamal with a man and women that looked awfully like him. i glanced over and saw him laugh, his smile gave me butterflies so i looked away back to my brother. there's no reason why i should be getting butterflies from my brother's teammates smile.

" when are you guys heading out?" kai asked.

" probably soon," my mom said looking at me to confirm,

" yeah sure."

" i'm going to go talk to coach really quick." my mom waved goodbye and went to go find hansi.

it seemed as though jamal's parents had left too, i already knew what kai was thinking before he did it,

" there's your chance." he whispered in my ear.

" what do you mean?"

" it's obvious you want to talk to him, i saw you look over a him. i don't mind if you like him."

" ok. what do i say?"

" just talk about your perfect self. now go," he shoved me and i walked over to jamal.

" hey," he turned around and immediately went red.

" oh hi," he scratched the back of his head.

" did you really mean what you said about me?"

" i mean yeah, your really pretty."

" aw thanks. what did you think about the game today? i think you did pretty good right?" i could tell he was nervous so i tried to steer the conversation in a different direction.

" oh yeah i guess. we could've planned better though i think."

" well i think you did great."

" thanks." my mom was back and was waving at me to leave, " hey text me ok?" i saw a pen on a table a couple feet away and took his hand in mine, writing my number.

" oh thanks, see you soon cutie."

" same goes to you, bye."

" bye." he was completely star struck and personally i thought it was super cute. i smiled at him and he smiled back, heat crawling back over his face.

as we said our goodbyes and walked out of the building my phone buzzed,

hey it's jamal
bro's literally my new favorite obsession ❤️

question of the chapter: what's your favorite subject in school?

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