Chapter 6 - Quality time spent together

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Sai wrapped her works as soon as possible and finished before 5 pm. Dot at 5:30 she punched her ID card and left the hospital ignoring Sunny’s call to tell her about her duty of next day. On the other hand at 5:15 pm Virat went to Sunny’s cabin and saw him to work. He told him “give all these files to me at tomorrow morning I am retiring for today. But I need those at morning.” After Virat left he felt little relax but after seeing the amount of work he has to deliver next day his happiness went out of window. He noticed the watch and remembered that he hadn’t updated duty chart of doctors and interns for the next day and it was already time for end of duty for those interns who were in Morning and Day shift.

He hurried to do that and saw Sai leaving the campus. He shouted “Dr. Sai your Duty for tomorrow…” but she rushed out ignoring his call as she knew she will get to know about her duty. She has Priyanka and Jyotika to check it for her firstly and lastly the Dean will get a mail regarding duty charts she can see from there too. When she reached to the place told to her to meet she saw his car waiting for her.

As soon as she get in the car speed up towards the apartment which generally keep vacant as it was yet not interior completely and will be given as a gift in Devi and Pulkit’s marriage.

In car Sai made two calls one to her home saying that she will stay with Patralekha that night in her flat. Second one to Patralekha saying that she told in home that she will stay with her but actually will not go to her flat. Patralekha understood the matter as they does that when they feel to stay together for a day or for a weekend. She teased Sai about their patch up and upcoming romantic night. 

Soon they reached in the apartment and the moment they entered inside he pulled her in a back hug and kissed her neck hungrily. I took very short time for him to get rid of her top and skirt and leaving her only in her undergarments. Somehow she also expected that day to be their patch up day and she wore a scarlet lingerie set which added fuel to his baring desire and made him wild.

After few hours when both of them were lying on the king size bed naked he noticed that he covered her maximum body part with marks and bruises as he was one of his wildest mood. He traced all those bite marks and his hand prints in her body “was I too much rough? Did I hurt you a lot??” she smiled at his concern how can she explain to him that yes it was paining but also gave her pleasure beyond limits. She knew with her pale skin those marks looks like more serious than they actually are, “Virat it’s OK. I like them please don’t worry about them.”

He looked towards her and think how she who being so thin and soft handles him, his strong emotions and his huge appetite with so much ease and never stopped him, tolerated all his demands and his experimental ways and positions though she gets hurt when he lost his control and became rough with her. She never complained or let him feel guilty for all these.

She knew what her beloved boyfriend was thinking so to divert his mind she pulled him for a sweet kiss and ran her fingers in his hair “Virat I love everything about you let it be your adamant, stubbornness, rage, being emotional, sudden actions, demands, passion or your marks in my body. These marks are symbol of our love, passion, desire and satisfaction for each other. I really love them and I think I told you many times that they will disappear soon it is not that serious how these are looking now my pale and white skin makes it looks like serious, you know that I became all red if I stays sometime under sun also. That’s it my love so don’t worry please. Sometimes for your worries and concern I think I should tan my skin” and pouted, he kissed her pout “umm No. I don’t like any change in you. Please never change for anyone not for me also. Stay the way you are.”

When she saw him left his worry and became normal she get off the bed to shower and cook for themselves. He accompanied her to the bathroom and expressed his wish to shower together “Lets shower together save time and save water” she smiled at his naughty act “No way. Nothing will be saved and will waste more.” But he pulled her under the shower and opened the tap making both of them wet. He cleaned her and she him. With this they get aroused again and shared a sweet love making in the washroom floor and counter top.

After finally they came out and dressed in their night cloths which they keeps here along with some food items which don’t need a refrigerator or don’t get spoil with time for their stay here often. She wanted to go to kitchen and cook but he stopped her by holding her waist “leave it we will order from out. Don’t need to cook.” She encircled her hands on his neck “We can but I like to cook for you. It is another fact if you don’t like foods made by me.”

He pulled her to his hard chest “you know very well ma’am that how much I like food cooked by you but I don’t want you to stress yourself, we both had an emotional week, you are having heavy duties in hospital and tomorrow again you have to attain duty. And another thing is that today I want you to make up all our lost time in last week and want to chat with you. So let’s order something.”  She was happy that he thinks about her and her straining herself but she didn’t like to ordering from out as she gets very few chances to cook for him. She pouted “I want to cook. Let us cook together. We can chat in kitchen and you can help me. We will cook simple things like pasta or khichri if you wants to eat Indian” he was boss at hospital but she is the boss outside so how can he win over her and had to give in her demands. Both of them together made pasta for dinner as both likes to eat Italian. She cooked and he helped her by giving things at her hand as per her need.

After they made their dinner the power cut happened leaving with the option of having candle light dinner and they spend some wonderful romantic moments in feeding each other. After they finished cleaning and washing dishes Virat asked Sai for a dance which she approved and played their favorite song in his mobile.

They danced in the song “Suno na sangemarmar ki yeh minaare” from film yangestan. He is a wonderful and skilled dancer though very few people are aware of that as he don’t like to flaunt his dancing skills in front of everyone, she is also a good dancer but still she sometime has tough time to keep up with him. But this time they didn’t perform any specific style complicated dance forms they danced in simple ball room style and enjoyed their closeness. They chatted till late night expressing their fillings for days, emotions they felt in last week they spend away from each other, how much they missed each other etc.. Near about 2 hours later power came and they slept peacefully. At morning after having their breakfast with Maggie and coffee Virat left for hospital after dropping Sai to Patralekha’s flat as Sai had evening Duty as well as Patralekha and Sai wanted to spend some time with her. 

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