Chapter 12 - caught red handed

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Time started to flow in its own account. Its been nearly 5 months already Sai joined hospital. She became Intern of month for 3 times with her dedication towards work. 

She feels that one day people will come to know about her and Virat's relationship so for him and his prestige she has to behave well and prove that she is a responsible dedicated doctor. 

She needs to keep his face in future, she never wants people to point a finger on him for her. So with her dedication and marvelous job she won over the hearts of maximum senior doctor’s who strongly recommend her and believe she is a promising intelligent dedicated doctor.

 After that date night, Virat and Sai avoided meeting in public places. All their dates were in a confined private area, like in their new apartment, Pulkit’s flat when he stays away, a fully booked restaurant or coffee shop where no other person were allowed, suits of five star hotels etc.

 Though Virat and Sai managed to steal some time for each other in the hospital in his cabin, store room, record room, back of library, deserted corridors, under staircase in short places where people generally don’t go. 

One such day when in a store room they were being a little cozy all hugging and curdling they suddenly heard the door burst open   and an approaching foot step. With the sound the couple who were hugging each other like their own body parts jumped apart and tried to get separate though they knew the person who came inside certainly saw them as they were straight visible from the door and there were no things they could hide behind.

 Sai closed her eyes in embarrassment. They were in a compromising position. There was no chance to brush it off by giving an excuse of  accidental or professional reason and how will they answer why they were in a discarded store room where people generally don’t come.

 She was thinking about what people will think about them. Her own reputation will be questionable that she can handle but Virat the hardcore professional Dean of this hospital people will gossip about him and his character that was intolerable for her.

 She has seen in previous days his reputation as a no nonsense professional so much that spotting him in a nightclub chilling out with one of his friends created so much gossip, how people started to look at him with more liberation now what people will think about him. 

She was hugging herself tightly while thinking about those when she heard his voice “Thank God it’s you Pulkit.” Pulkit said “Yes thank God it’s me. By the way what the hell you two were doing here in such a state? Virat you said we should maintain a distance with Sai here in the hospital and here you yourself were violating your own rule!!” 

Sai opened her eyes in relief that their secret was still a secret and she kept a mental note that from now on she need to control her adrenalin rush and stop doing this secret rendezvous with her love who is here a reputed Dean. 

From that day Sai stopped calling him to meet her secretly here and there and started to keep little distance with him in hospital against her own wish also. When she was feeling her need to be in his arms for a little stolen time she tried to spend it with her so-called batch mates. 

Virat noticed these changes in her and very well knew the reason. He knew that she wasn’t doing this for her but for his reputation but he didn’t like it, he became habituated with their secret encounters and being around her so he thought to change the new equation between them. 

He noticed that if he calls her a little out of place in the hospital she finds one or other excuse to avoid meeting him there. He tried to meet her at roof, store, his cabin but she somehow dozed it off as an excuse for patients or some other things. 

So he thought to use his power as the Dean and her boss. One day when Sai and Jyotika were scheduled to work in the neurology dept. Virat had OPD, two light surgeries and post-operative care checkups and during briefing he assigned Sai’s duty with him throughout the day. 

Sai didn’t mind anything at first as she thought he did it so she could learn something from him but he had some other plans. He wanted to make her feel him around the whole day and make her desperate to meet him alone. Her duty started with checking his appointments for OPD. 

She thought she would have to collect case history of patients but he assigned that work to a MS student named Priya who also was working with them. He kept her in the chamber to assist him with patients. During this they came close many times and touched each other accidentally. 

His accidental and casual touches sends electric jolts through her body only she didn’t know that those touches were neither casual nor accidental. He purposely brushes his hands with her hands, or touches her while moving to evoke desire in her. After the OPD it was time for surgery. 

Virat innocently asked her to tie his gown and mask. Being so close to him after the electronic jolts were too much for her. After the operations he asked her to help in discarding those and this time it took her a lot of time as he tangled strings and also gave some extra knots tightly to be with her. She was going out of her senses getting him so close to her and was thinking “to hell with my promise to myself I just wanna be in his arms. We just need to be careful.” As he read her thoughts after she finished he gave her a quick hug murmuring “Missing you” and went leaving her to fell mixture of feeling guilty and longing for him. 

During their post-operative care patients visit in ICU and ICCU he again started to keep her beside her asking every little thing he needed. After every post-operative word survey there was a meeting of respective doctors and interns. She was sitting beside him there to deliver needed papers. Suddenly she felt his hands grip hers under the table through the whole meeting. 

When she was finally off to have her coffee in the canteen she got a massage from him “Baby today was a great day for me as you were around me the whole day. I could hold your hand, I miss our little encounters a lot. It's okay that you don’t want them. I am in the store room and thinking about our old times here. I know you will not come now, I am just refreshing our memories.”

 It was her undone. Throughout the day with him, his little touches, quick hug, sad face, yearning for her, holding her hand and last this massage. She couldn’t take it more and rushed towards the store room.

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