i. Eye of a newt

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The world seemed to stay a dull color of grey every time I came back to Wellton. The birds stopped singing their whimsical melody rather turning it into a melancholy sonnet of a Shakespearean tragedy. I've grown to accept that the birds wont change how they will sing and nor will the people that come along with it. Every year same people, same haircuts just more signs of puberty. 

I gazed around looking at fresh and old faces. Some students returning others fresh from countless places, you could always tell who had been returning from the dread in their eyes and the pain the yelped from inside them. The welcoming ceremony had just finished, this time rather including both girls and boys instead of just boys or girls. Originally Welton was divided into two different sectors: Males and Females, but because of low acceptance rate and lack of funding they were forced to be conjoined. There were far less girls than boys a 1:8 ratio as the school for girls opened in 1951, but conjoined two years ago. 

My gaze continued looking at countless girls in finger tip length skirts, and boys in formal cotton pants. Everyone looked the same and none the less had the same priorities, and either loved Wellton or despised it, there was no middle ground in that discussion. 

I stumbled around the courtyard alone as my parents and brother had already left like many others. Every year it was the same: they made sure I had all my supplies, clothes, books and schedule and found where my room was. I didn't mind it, to be frank I quite enjoyed it as most of the parents here don't care for well being only grades. I never could confirm if my parents only cared about all that stuff I was never sure which they cared more for my grades or my well being, but I rather not have that question answered as I enjoyed living in my own fantasy of it all.

I walked up to my room where all my packing lay awaiting upon my arrival. I opened the door with my key and was greeted by a new person. She wore clean white teeth, and dark brown hair that fit like a slim fit shirt.

"Hello!" The girl chirped with a small but sweet smile, I hoped she just as nice as she sounded.

"Hello, Y/N, Y/N Monroe" I spoke sticking my hand out for her to shake which she did. She had a soft grip not a clawing one. My father always told me you could see a lot about someone just through a simple hand shake.

"Eloise, Eloise Herskowitz"  She said going back to her desk where her books lay out. She had small posters of maps and the periodic table which would come in handy as the dainty paper ones given out either get ripped or lost amongst all the other assignments they gave us.

The rest of the day consisted of unpacking and longing to go home again. Boys flirting with girls and girls flirting with boys. It was quite competitive for the boys to get a date for any occasion, as there was limited amount of girls to catch their eye and many boys to catch the girls eyes. I always I tried to never focus on them but I couldn't help myself I was a teenage girl with a heart full of love and a girl whom reads too much John Keats.

I stubbled into the court yard, pondering how this year would go. I watched the new teacher his name I believed was 'Mr. Keating'. He was younger looking than most of the teachers, he had short brown hair, and wore a fitted brown suit that complimented his hair. He walked with a novel, most likely a poetry one from all the tabs sticking out. His whistling could be heard as the soft fall breeze carried it over into my ears.

The sun started to fade into a dark shade of blue, and the dinner bell rang indicated free time was over. I lifted myself up from the ledge I sat on, placing my novel version of Macbeth down as I fixed my sweater. I skipped over back to my room in some what of a rush as I'd forgot to meet Eloise 5 minutes before dinner was served so we could find a seat together. 

I wasn't looking where I was going and began tripping over my own shadow, when I went straight into someone. Their frame larger than mine and their clothes were a pair of baggy trousers and scuffed black loafers. 

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going I apologize" I pushed my hair out of my eyes to reveal a boy who looked just as sorry as I.

"N-no I'm sorry I-I wasn't looking" He whimpered, he had soft brown hair that covered his face as he bent down to pick up my belongings and his too. His hand sweetly brushed over my hand causing a faint color of pink to tint over his face and mine.

"Y/N, Y/N Monroe" I stuck my hand out with my free hand just like how I did prior with Eloise.  

"Todd, T-Todd Anderson" He spoke with a soft fragile tone like a lost lamb away from the herd.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, are you new here I don't think I've seen you before?" I pondered aloud, the last name seemed all too familiar to me but not the first name nor the face.

"Yes" He spoke softly, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable with all the talking as he seemed introverted so I just smiled sweetly and nodded. 

"Well it's been fun talking to you, I hope we bump into each other again" I giggled referring to our little incident, he seemed to enjoy the joke letting out an awkward laugh then we parted ways. 

I was glad I bumped into Todd, I wanted to make more friends this year as I didn't find myself talking to too many people. Not that I was overly shy just didn't like starting conversation in fear the person I was talking to was just responding and not actually talking to me. As well he seemed nice unlike some of the boys here which are overly sexual and would have made a pass at me as soon as I ran into them.  

I began to walk to my room where I saw Eloise giving me a joke like glare, causing me to giggle again like how I did with Todd earlier.

"Now where have you been, kissing boys?" She mocked a voice of a mother making me gag and she give a little chuckle in response, I've only known her barley a day and yet we acted like friends for over decades maybe centuries. I didn't know why I hadn't talked to her before.

"No, but I ran into one" I laughed giving her a shocked expression, I skipped around the room placing my novel back where it belonged.

"Who! Who! tell me more" She begged of me sounding like an owl, following me around the room as I put stuff away then lingered out the door, she practically dragged on my wool sweater in a dramatic way.

"His name is Todd Anderson, he seems nice. Very quite." I spoke truthfully in a slight whisper as we walked out into the hallway where only girls were already gossiping and claiming which boy was theirs.

"Never heard of him is he new?" She pondered as we made it closer to the dinning hall 

"Yeah" Was all my response was, and hers back was a giggle, as we rushed to the dinner hall Todd quickly escaped my mind as the smell of spaghetti and meatballs filled our noses with delight. Everything seemed to be going better than my last years here I just hoped it would keep up that way. 


Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. The main idea for it was just to introduce you to Y/N and get an understanding for her, in the next chapter I'll be introducing the other main characters <3

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