iv. All's well that ends well

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The boys sat at one end while the girls sat on another. The only typical conversation that filled the air was either about boys or finals and nothing deemed to be interesting. I gazed over at the boys table to see Neil with what seemed like a textbook or maybe some sort of annual. A wave of laughter eradiated from the corner of which they sat making me ponder their conversation. The dim set lights blocked my pupils from others seeing that I was staring, at least if they were at a distance.

"What do you think they're looking at?" Eloise chimed in noticing my particularly keen interest.

"Probably something no good" I laughed trying to brush off my natural curiosity, even if It still lurked. I picked up the mystery meat but with no anticipation to eat it as my eyes still held their gaze upon the group of boys.

Eloise and I for the rest of lunch kept glancing over to figure out what they could be doing, my eye particularly focusing on Charlie. He sat in between Meeks and Neil, but Todd blocked my view making me curse him for that. I was still unsure on how Mr. Dalton managed to catch my eye.

All the looking over from Eloise and I managed to let them catch on, all but Cameron encouraged us to walk over and see what they were looking at. Deep down I wanted to go and see, but I knew I shouldn't even if Charlie was there.


The bell rang and Eloise and I naturally rushed over to be greeted by a school annual being turned to a page with a familiar face. Younger, yes but yet still the same. It was an old school photo of Mr. Keating I couldn't believe my own two eyes when I saw it.

"Dead Poets Society?" I asked myself aloud forgetting to internalize that question.

"That's what we're asking him now" Neil answered, as there was no need for an explanation on who. We gathered our minor amounts of belongings then the nine of us made our way from the dinning hall and out to the field where everyone was scattered, some doing work others practicing their extra curricular I was stuck with Fencing and the debate team, I only had to do two as I had an outer school activity approved by the school.

There was a hot breeze that washed over the nine of us, ruffling with my hair causing it to go straight into my eyes, I dreaded stuff like that but knew there was no stopping it.

"Mr. Keating!"

"Mr. Keating!"

"Mr. Keating!"

"Try Captain" Eloise whispered to Neil, causing Neil to give her a smile and a nod.

"O captain my Captain?" Neil said causing Mr. Keating to turn around spinning on the heels of his feet causing the grass to twist into a mess with knots and few pieces tearing from out of the ground to latch onto the souls of his shoes. He greeted us with a warm smile accepting our calling of his name.

"We were just looking at your old annual" Neil spoke handing the book over to Keating.

"Oh my god" Keating laughed slightly turning away from our little group to face the lake were the rowers paddled their way to the other end, all filled with lake water and sweat.

"No that's not me . . . god" He spoke still turned around squatting facing the river away from us looking in awe and sometimes distress at the annual.

"what was the dead poets society?" Neil asked for the rest of us. I stood next to Charlie always catching myself when my gaze shifted to him randomly, but now I didn't think it was so 'randomly' when I did it.

"I doubt the administration would look to favorably upon that" He spoke with a dry chuckle followed behind causing our natural curiosity to spike.

"Why what was it?" Neil asked still filled with a curious mind like we all were. It looked like Keating desperately wanted to say but rules and conformity held him back, but not for too long.

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