ii. Sweets to the sweets

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The First day of real classes had begun, the halls filled with students of all ages, laughing, and throwing paper planes. As the teachers made failed attempts to stop whatever the kids were doing wrongly.  Juniors running down stairs and the seniors sprinting up the stairs. I Hated being a senior as there was more pressure than ever and every senior believed the world revolved around them. Then again I enjoyed it as I was almost free from Hell-Ton. Then most likely going to Yale or Harvard because of my parents demands for me.

They wanted me to go into either law to work at my fathers law firm or something in the medical industry following in the footsteps of my brother. I only endorsed it as I wasn't sure on what I wanted to do as well I didn't need them to nag at me. 

The first class I had was Chemistry which I was fairly confident in. Biology was more my style but I still ended up being stuck in Chemistry. I couldn't bare the thought of adding and subtracting chemicals and studying change in protons and neutrons for a whole semester just to find an already known answer. I liked Science just not the teachers that made the lesson rather dull.

"Pick three laboratory experiments, from the project list and report on them every five weeks. The first 20 questions are at the end of chapter 1 are due tomorrow." My chem teacher spoke, I couldn't believe him I didn't even know his name yet and despised him, and I think everyone else would agree with me. He talked with a snobby tone as he looked down on us like we were gremlins or indigent. 

In the class I sat around Knox Overstreet a boy I've made small talk with here and there but nothing more than that and some of his friends too. Next to Overstreet was his friend Charlie Dalton. I think every girl knew his name not just because of his charm but his countless attempts to get into their pants in this school and the surrounding schools.

"How are you liking it so far?" I laughed leaning back in my chair causing it the front two legs to tip in the air to see Todd who had a nervous expression painted on to his face but yet more comfortable than before during our first run in.

"Terrible" He laughed quietly as I turned back to face the front giving him a smile. I looked down at my textbook looking over the questions hoping they would make some sort of sense, trying to get them done now rather than later.


The next class I had was Latin. In which I strictly refused to pay attention to and only absent mindedly saying the words that the teacher spoke. I always tried to sit next to Meeks or some where near him in Latin as he was a genius in it and was always willing to help any friend of his out. I was fairly close with Meeks occasionally talking between classes and even hanging out during weekends on campus or sneaking off to go into town, since Wellton was very isolating.

I shared a class with almost every boy and girl that were in my first block classes as the school population wasn't the largest, and teachers were very minimal. The result of that led to very close ties with people which could be good but if you hated someone that's were your luck was drawn short as you had to live in the same building as them, eat with them, be near them, same classes and most likely mutual friends, so there was no way to get away from someone here.


"Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision. Anyone failing to hand in any homework assignment will be penalized one point of their final grade, let me urge you to not test me on this point" Said my trig teacher, I hated school so much all too much. Charlie a table beside me let out a sigh already accepting his fate causing me to let out a giggle, and him to look over, making me snap my head forward in utter embarrassment leaving it to be his turn to laugh.


The last class of the day was English. I loved everything about it. From poetry to learning about Romeo and Juliet. The thing was I wasn't blessed with any good teachers only ones who taught English like a lecture and not like an actual thing. 

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