iii. Cupid Kills with arrows

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Everyone left the class with their friends and hands stacked of books. Eloise and I joined Charlies group of friends as Eloise spiked an interest for Neil and seemed to be vise versa. We all joked and questioned the class that was just taught and Neil defending it from anything and everything. I walked next to Charlie, faintly looking up at him from time to time, even if he didn't say anything or add to the conversation.

"That was weird" Pitts stated still in shock

"But different" Neil inquired and I couldn't agree more, I loved everything about it. I already couldn't wait for his class tomorrow.

"Spooky" Eloise mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear making everyone share a laugh, but the statement only being said to gain Neil's interest and attention. 

"Think he'll test us on that stuff?" Cameron asked being clueless 

"Oh come on Cameron Don't you get anything?" Charlie retorted making me laugh and a faint smirk to appear across his lips 

"What, what?" Cameron questioned seeing nothing invalid with his question.

"Hey a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be carrying all these books" Dalton smirked creating a minor conversation with me, he attempted to take my books from me almost failing mid action. At first I resisted but was soon keen to see if he would succeed or fail. Charlie always made room for innocent flirting it seemed.

I couldn't believe I was letting him flirt with me, but I did not want to carry my books any longer so I obligated shuffling my books over into his arms.

I looked over at Eloise whom gave me a thumbs up with her one free hand as I hoped Charlie hadn't seen it but with my luck I think he did. I rolled my eyes back at Eloise but I know for sure he didn't see that.


Eloise went off to walk around the courtyard to catch up on homework, refusing to work inside as she wanted to make the most she could of the outside before snow began to pile on top over everything.

I was left with Charlie struggling to carry my books, I wasn't sure my feelings towards him as I knew he was a flirt and would probably find some other girl to preserver to after he got his way with me, but I didn't mind the company. I opened the door and Charlie almost ran to the bed to dump the books fumbling himself too landing on the bed.

"You're a Fool Dalton" I laughed sitting down on my chair awaiting his response.

"You should respect me I carried your books" He said smugly puffing out his chest.

"Haha" I laughed with a thick layer of sarcasm which dripped from my tongue.  

"Are you coming to the study group?" Charlie asked, I wanted to but I didn't want to seem like some sort of burden towards the guys, Charlie began to lay back with his arms behind his head seeming like he was about to come up with a smooth line.

"Would you like me to?" I asked with a stubble amount of flirting which Charlie caught onto and the fact I wasn't sure if he wanted me to or was merely asking me to be nice.

"Why wouldn't I?" He smiled standing up towering over me, I knew I was red and I knew he was doing this on purpose.

"I can't believe I've know you what a day? and you're already making passes at me" I sighed turning to my poetry books that lay limply on my desk attempting to hide my blush.

"Doesn't sound like you're complaining sugar" He laughed walking out of the room swiftly closing the door behind himself.

I couldn't believe I stooped to Charlies level, I thought as I got ready for my dance class. We had a try out soon and I was keen on getting 'the black swan'. I loved the ballet performance I could watch it millions of times and never get bored I knew every part of it like the back of my hand.

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