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A/N: I have no clue what I wrote

A/N: I have no clue what I wrote

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𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏

【𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟓】


Walking down the empty hallways in silence, the only thing Hitori could hear was his own breathing. Even then, it was light and barely noticeable. You couldn't even tell if they were there, compared to a gush of wind softly whistling by.

It was a habit by then, for Hitori to have a presence barely detectable. Sometimes it startled his own family and the people he'd interact with. But he couldn't just get rid of it, the habit was already a natural instinct for Hitori.

Reading the labels above all the entrance doors of classrooms, Hitori was looking out for class 3-C, which was the class both Izuku and Katsuki were in.

The classroom was pretty far away as the school had classes 3-B and 3-A closer to the newer building and 3-C and down in the older buildings. It was very obvious which students the school favoured, from the quality of the rooms, equipment and everything really.

Stopping in his tracks at a scrapped door that looked very old and was in need of a repair; 3-C.

Hitori was going to walk in and hope that either Katsuki and Izuku were inside, or he would have wasted his time walking all the way over here, he still needed to get ready for the party after all. But he stayed and was going to take the benefit of the doubt and say his blobs would wait for him.

Only for a very loud 'BOOM' to recoil outside.

-A few minutes before Hitori got to the classroom-

"What are you doing Deku?"

Izuku's body shook violently, hitching, reaching out to the blond holding a notebook he just snatched out of his hands up high. Two of Katsuki's lackeys walked closer, looking at what was in his hand.

"Whatcha got there, Bakugou? His diary?" one asked in a mocking voice.

"Eh? 'Hero analysis'?" The two lackeys looked at each other with mocking grins and burst into laughter. "Don't tell me you're taking notes to become a hero?"

"That's so pathetic!"

"He's delusional!"

Katsuki saw how Izuku wanted to say something and he cut him off. "Tch, you think getting some recognition and time with Hitori will automatically mean you have a chance? He's just pitying you! Hitori would never hang around a quirkless loser like you! He's the heavens and you're less than dirt!"

"N-no Kacchan! I wouldn't dare put myself anywhere near Hitori-kun!" Izuku tried to explain. Of course, he knew Hitori would be nowhere near his league, he never once dared to think that a God-gifted being would be on his lowly level.

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