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𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏

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𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏

【𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟔】


The aftermath of the Sludge Monster's attack was a tableau of chaos and destruction. Buildings were destroyed, smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring the once-clear sky. Injured civilians were being tended to by both heroes and paramedics, their cries of pain punctuating the scene.

Amidst the wreckage, All Might stood as a towering beacon of strength and hope for the people. Reporters and cameramen swarmed around him, their microphones thrust forth as they eagerly sought to interview the Symbol of Peace.

"All Might, you're amazing! You defeated the villain all by yourself!" someone exclaimed, their awe-struck voice resonating through the air.

All Might faltered for a moment, his attention momentarily diverted towards the area where more of the red embers formed near a high building. He assumed it was the mysterious stranger who had aided in the heat of battle. If it weren't for them, he wouldn't have beaten the villain with just his strength.

All Might saw a brief sight of the stranger. A pale hand reached out in the clear view of the broken window, followed by a flutter of embers with wings of iridescent brilliance; a butterfly..?

Its presence barely more than a whisper in the air, supports wings that shimmer like molten gold kissed by the sun's last rays, casting a gentle, amber-hued glow upon the destruction. Before gracefully landing on the stranger's slender finger, instantly popping into sparks of ember after contact.

All Might wanted to go find the stranger who interfered, he had questions he needed answers to, but also thoughts of pure confusion. Was this stranger a villain? Did they even have a license to use their quirk?

But he couldn't get answers, not when the press and the masses clamored for his attention, not in the midst of this media frenzy that could affect his image.

The aftermath of the incident would stain the people's memories and area, but what memorie remind over all in people's heads were the falling embers, the moment etched in the collective memory of all who bore witness.

The embers were overshadowed by the clamor of reporters, camera flashes, and the roar of the crowd. The people, momentarily captivated by the falling sparks of light, were now fixated on the living legend before them, and no one was going to waste this opportunity.

Ambulances soon arrived one after another, their sirens piercing the air of panic. Heroes rushed to assess the situation, each taking on the roles that their Quirks and expertise dictated. Some attended to the wounded, offering reassurance amid the chaos while others worked to clear debris and secure the area.

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