Chapter Fourteen

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Draco watched Hermione through the reflection of the mirror as she soaked in the bath later that night, her arm outstretched as she admired the ring on her hand. Spitting toothpaste foam into the sink, he rinsed his mouth out while rinsing his toothbrush. He wiped his mouth with a towel before turning around, leaning against the sink. "I don't know," he honestly said. "When I decided I wanted to ask you, I thought about using the Malfoy ring, and it just didn't feel right. Not that you aren't worthy of it or anything, because you are, I just...I don't know. We were unpacking that day, and you were going through the jewelry box and when I saw the way you looked at it, I knew that was it."

Hermione grinned, still admiring the ring as it sat on her hand. "I can't believe you were able to resize it without ruining the integrity of the band. My mother's fingers were freakishly slender."

"Well, dear, that's where it gets a bit interesting," Draco said. He told her the story of how he took the ring to the goblin jeweler, figuring if it had to be resized it could be done with magic with minimal damage, if any, to the ring, and instead, he found out that not only was it goblin made, but that the ancestor it came from on her mother's side was a powerful, pureblooded witch. "Your magic had to have come from somewhere," Draco said, his arms comfortably across his bare chest. "And now you know where."

"I never thought about researching my ancestry..." Hermione mused aloud.

"Hilarious, considering the amount of your life that's been spent in a library," Draco teased.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "I never gave it much thought...obviously I know magic doesn't just manifest itself in a muggle."

"Obviously," Draco mocked.

"You're awfully sassy tonight," Hermione remarked.

"Granger...never describe a man as sassy. It's degrading to, well, my manhood."

Laughing, she sunk down deeper into the suds, her kneecaps bent and exposed. "You realize that my last name won't be Granger forever now, right?"

Draco approached the tub, bracing his hands against the tub as he leaned in to give her a kiss. "Well, I never took you as the type to take any man's last name, but even if you took mine...I'd still call you Granger." He kissed her again, deeper as he felt Hermione's wet hand slick her fingers around his neck, pulling him closer. "You better be done," he whispered, his lips moving from her lips to her neck. "Because when I leave. I plan on being in bed. Naked. You'd be wise. To not make me wait."

She tilted her head away from his as he moved down to her damp shoulder. "Oh really..." she murmured.

He caught her earlobe with his teeth, lightly biting as he kissed the sensitive skin. "Really."

Hermione watched as he pulled away from her and walked around the bathtub and into the bedroom. Pulling the drain with her toes, she removed the suds from her with a wave of her hand and grabbed her towel. She quickly brushed her teeth, mussed up her hair a bit, and walked into the closet. Hermione saw the collared shirt Draco was wearing today and slipped it on, buttoning a few buttons in the middle. Forgoing underwear, considering he'd probably rip them - literally - tonight, Hermione sauntered back into the bedroom. Draco was propped up against his pillows, under the covers.

"Interesting choice in apparel, my dear," he smirked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I think it looks cute."

"I think you should wear it to work on Monday."

"I'm pretty sure you're required to wear pants of some kind at the ministry, Draco," she said, giggling as she stood at the end of the bed, a hand on her hip. "Besides. I'm not quite sure I'd get anything done wearing only this."

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