Chapter Eighteen

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The altercation between George, Draco, Pansy, and Theodore was all anyone could chatter about - whether it was through hushed whispers and gossip at the Ministry or as people flipped through the pages of The Daily Prophet and Wizard Weekly while they meandered through shops. All sorts of rumors flew regarding what was said to make the usually jovial George Weasley pummel Theodore Nott with one punch. Some say Theodore made a swipe at Fred, the only logical thing anyone could come up with that would cause George to be violent. Others swear they heard Pansy say she was coming back for Draco so the mudblood better watch out. Every day was a new headline, a new rumor, with the same moving picture of George's fist connecting with Theodore's face while Draco and Pansy watched - her face etched in horror while his was twisted with rage.

Draco went on an organizing spree in his office, trying to channel his inner Hermione as he couldn't focus on his work. He needed Harry to get back from his mission so he could talk to him. There was no way he could keep this secret - knowing who killed her parents - from her. He knew there was nothing she could change if she did know, considering the elder Nott received the Kiss once his trial was over. It wasn't as if Hermione could break into Azkaban and do much worse. The Dementor's Kiss was a fate far worse than death. Draco didn't want to trigger any nightmares for her - nightmares that had been non-existent for months now - but he knew she would not react well to him knowing the truth she desperately wanted to know. Harry was probably right - her knowing wasn't the best idea. After all, he's clearly known the truth for years and hasn't said a word to her. How he kept it from her was unfathomable to Draco, considering how close the two of them are. Then again, maybe that was how he was able to do it. Maybe Harry knew that her not knowing outweighed the benefits of her knowing when everything was said and done.

He honestly didn't know what to do, other than to figure out how to not lose his sanity until Harry returned. Stacking files in order of importance on his desk, he smiled at the sight of the lone picture on his desk of him and Hermione at the New Year's Eve ball, dancing and laughing as if they were the only two in the room. One day, he knew he'd be able to look at that picture and realized that all the happiness trapped in that moment he deserved, but today, like every other day, wasn't that day. His mind was lost in thought as he filed away paperwork that he usually passed on to LuAnne to file when the door of his office flew open, startling him. It was Ginny, carrying Albus, completely beside herself.

"If I were to find Kingsley at this moment, where would he be," she asked in a demanding tone.

"Um, well, I wouldn't know. I'm not his secretary," he carefully replied. He walked over to her and took his fussy godson from her arms. "What's wrong? Is it Harry? Has something happened?"

"I don't know," Ginny spat. "I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling right now and he usually...Harry is never gone this long without sending me some kind of sign that he's ok. He just doesn't..." Draco watched as she blinked tears away. "I want to know where he is. I want to know where he is, what he's doing, and when he'll be back and I want to know now and if I have to bloody beat it out of him, believe me I will."

He rocked back and forth, a hand soothing Albus on his back as he started to fuss less, becoming increasingly interested in trying to put Draco's tie in his mouth. "You know Kingsley isn't going to tell you anything," Draco said calmly. "Regardless of what you do to him. Though I don't recommend assaulting the Minister of Magic. I'm certain it's frowned upon."

"Well I'm certain that I'm not leaving until I get answers. It's been nearly a week. This isn't normal, Draco."

"Do you want me to see if I can find something out?" he offered.

"Of course not. I'll get what I want. Kingsley knows not to mess with me."

Draco knew better than to argue with Ginny when she was this worked up. He looked down and saw his tie covered in drool. Trying his best not to be completely grossed out, he grabbed a handkerchief from his desk and did his best to wipe some of it away as Albus babbled, grabbing the tie to gnaw again the moment Draco had it somewhat cleaned. "Where's James?" he asked, handkerchief still in his hand.

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