Chapter Twenty Seven

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The press conference on Friday wasn't so much of a press conference as it was a statement by the Minister with Draco, Hermione, and Harry standing off to the side. The moment Kingsley Shacklebolt announced that Lucius Malfoy was in fact alive, the reporters and photographers froze – stunned by the news – until an overflowing dam of questioning broke. The questions were all inaudible as everyone shouted over one another, and it wasn't until Kingsley's deep voice boomed through the atrium of the Ministry with the aid of his wand that everyone quieted down.

"I am only saying this once, so I implore you all to listen," Kingsley stated. "Lucius Malfoy is in fact – alive. He was discovered after information obtained during the raid several months back led us to believe that he faked his own death. Mister Malfoy was not a part of nor did he organize the gathering of Death Eaters that our aurors were sent to apprehend. I repeat – Mister Malfoy had no part in that meeting. Mister Malfoy is not being charged with anything. Faking one's own death isn't a crime in the wizard world – just merely frowned upon. His reasons for hiding are personal, and will not be discussed. Out of concern for the safety of both Mister Malfoy and his family, aurors are being assigned to protect them indefinitely."

"Mister Minister!" a reporter from The Daily Prophet exclaimed. "Are you saying Mister Malfoy is a reformed death eater?"

Kingsley's face stayed stoic. "I believe he has no desire to revive any of Voldermort's followers. I believe we all had our own demons to face after the war, and while I don't condone Lucius Malfoy's methods, I do not believe that Mister Malfoy or his family deserve to have their privacy infringed upon."

"Is this going to impact the wedding?" another reporter asked.

Kingsley looked over at Hermione and Draco, who had their arms linked together, and gave them a wink before turning back to the reporters. "I think it's safe to say the wedding will happen as planned."

"This isn't all that horrible," Hermione mumbled under her breath so that only Draco could hear as Kingsley continued the press conference.

Draco subtly shook his head. "It could be worse," he replied under his breath.

" anyone going to comment on the elephant in the room – the fact that a beloved member of the Golden Trio future father-in-law is the same man who allowed his own sister-in-law to brutally torture Miss Granger with the cruciatus curse in his own home?" asked a female reporter from Wizard Weekly in a snooty voice.

"And it just got worse," Draco groaned as Harry took over the podium from Kingsley before the Minister could argue.

"I don't know where you got your information," Harry sternly spoke, "but neither the accounts of Miss Granger nor the accounts of me during our time in the war have ever been made public. Continue with that line of questioning and I will have you charged with slander."

The female reporter mockingly laughed. "Your account and Miss Granger's account may not have been made public, but everyone knows that Mister Weasley has been open and vocal about the Golden Trio and their 'adventures' for quite some time."

"I wouldn't take anything Ronald Weasley says with more than a grain of salt," Harry curtly replied. "Reporting on speculation is nothing but reporting trash and if that's what you're in the business off, I will be sure to see that the press office revokes your credentials and bars you and anyone else from your horrendous magazine for further announcements from this Ministry – are we clear?"

The woman smiled out of spite before replying. "Crystal."

The press conference remained uneventful after that. While most wanted to see visual proof that Lucius Malfoy was back, Kingsley said that they would all see him when he was ready to be out in public, all the while stressing that the privacy of the elder Malfoy, as well as his two valued Ministry employees was to be respected at all times.

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