Chapter Twenty Four

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Hermione woke up the morning before her wedding day to the soft kisses of Draco's lips on the nape of her neck. She smiled a bit as she blindingly reached a hand around his neck, dragging her fingers through his hair. "Please tell me you're getting a haircut today," she murmured.

"Mmhmm," he replied, his lips moving up her neck. "Ten-thirty appointment, picking up the dress robes at eleven."

"Draco," Hermione half whispered before his lips found hers, noticing that there was a severe lack of clothing on his part as he rubbed himself against her under the covers.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

She kissed him back before pulling away, digging the back of her head deep into her pillow so that there was some space between her face and his. Her hands on his cheeks, she gave him a sympathetic smile. "As much as I applaud your attempt and believe me when I say you have succeeded in turning me on - you aren't getting any this morning."

Draco scowled. "Honestly Granger - I don't see why we have to wait until tomorrow. Don't you want one last final shag as a sexy...single woman?" he asked, a kiss in between his trailing words.

"I haven't been single since I walked off an airplane over a year ago," Hermione replied. "It just took me a few months to realize it." She lifted her head to kiss him again. "And my answer is still no."

Groaning, Draco crawled off her and flopped onto his back, sighing heavily. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Hermione laughed, rolling onto her side as she curled up next to him, resting her chin on his chest as she looked at him. "No - and stop sulking. We totally shagged in the shower earlier this week."

Draco huffed like a petulant child, despite wrapping an arm around her. "But that was on Sunday – five whole days ago! It's like you enjoy torturing me." It wasn't that he didn't attempt sex any other time that week – she just happened to be asleep before he crawled into bed, or busy with last minute wedding preparations.

Laughing, Hermione swung a leg over him, pushing her hands into his chest as she situated herself, straddled across his waist. "If I was going to torture you, I think it'd be a little bit more...obvious."

"Obvious, eh?" Draco replied.

She nodded, kneading her fingers into his chest as she bent down to kiss his bare skin. "And then, if I was being really obvious in my torture, I'd shed this Gryffindor t-shirt that I know you secretly hate."

He watched as she peeled the worn maroon shirt up and over her head, and tossing it towards the end of the bed. Draco's fingers slowly dragged up and down the smooth skin of her sides as he stared right at her. "This is what you call obvious? Certainly you could do better than that, Granger."

Smirking, Hermione rotated her hips ever so slightly so that the tip of his erection twitched, seeking her warmth. Draco did his best to keep a straight face but Hermione knew otherwise. "I'm still not going to cave," she seductively whispered, her hands braced on his shoulders.

Draco moved his hands down her body, caressing her bum as he kept his eyes locked on hers. "Oh I beg to differ," he said with a grin.

"I have more restraint than you," Hermione retorted in a low, seductive voice.

"You aren't going to win this," he whispered, thrusting his hips up ever so slightly as she continued to rock her hips against him.

"I'm going to win," Hermione stated. "I always win."

"Whatever. You want me to win," Draco breathed, leaning up to catch a nipple in his mouth.

She winced slightly at his touch, but the unexpected pain left as soon as it came. "If I wanted you to win, I would let you win - but I don't," she said, concentrating on her breathing so that he actually would not get her to cave. Eventually, she crashed her mouth to his, hoping it would prove to be a distraction for both of them.

Life after Hogwarts - A Hermione & Draco x Dramione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now