Chapter Twenty Two

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"What is he doing?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"He looks silly."

"The big one or the little one?"

Draco, James, and Harry stood and watched as Blaise and Albus stared at each other. Blaise was sitting on the couch in Harry's living room, not really sure what to make of the small person as Albus bounced in his seat, sitting in the middle of a round plastic contraption that had all sorts of things to distract a baby. However, instead of being distracted by the colors and the spindles with rattling beads, he stared at Blaise, nearly mimicking the man's head tilt.

"It's so...I mean...what does it do?" Blaise ask, intently tilting his head to the other side ever so slightly.

"It's a baby," James said, rather indignantly for a four year old. "It doesn't do anything."

"How about we not call my son an 'it'?" Harry suggested. "He did come into this world with a name."

Blaise poked Albus lightly with his wand, causing the baby to giggle. Blaise poked him again, and Albus laughed harder. "Ha! He thinks it's a game!"

Draco swallowed a laugh, an arm crossed against his chest as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Don't let Ginny see you prodding her son with a wand."

"But it - I mean, he likes it," Blaise said enthusiastically, continuing to poke Albus. "See?"

James grabbed Draco's hand and pulled on it twice, pushing his glasses up on his small nose. "Uncle Draco...your friend, Mr. Blaise, is weird."

The men were left to their own devices that day, as Ginny and Hermione were treated to spa day from Draco. It was the fifth anniversary of the end of the Second Wizarding War, and there was a big event at the ministry that evening. Part of the event was a fundraiser for those still suffering from the effects of the war, part of the event was a celebration for the world they currently lived in today. Narcissa was vacationing in the south of France as she always did during this week, as it was easier to stay out of sight than to ignore the requests for interviews as there were still many out there - all entirely too interested in what the wife of a former right hand man to the Dark Lord thought. Hermione, Harry, and Ginny had been dreading the event all week, despite Kingsley's repeated remarks that tonight would be special. Draco on the other hand was pretty indifferent to it all, as he was every year. If he wasn't indifferent, the emotion of everything would overcome him, and he wasn't about to be paralyzed by his past when he'd accomplished so much to move forward.

Blaise and his comfort level around the Potters was slowly increasing over time as he began to accept more invitations to hang out with the uncanny crew. James of course still wasn't sure about Blaise, despite both Draco and Harry's explanations that he was a good guy...just a bit boorish at times. Of course, Draco was also convinced that if Ginny would be a little less hesitant around Blaise, James would follow suit. "I certainly didn't give you the benefit of the doubt overnight," Ginny reminded Draco after their first dinner all together after he asked her to be a little less...well, herself.

"I thought we were going to finish my tree house," James interjected.

Harry picked up James and nuzzled his nose, eliciting a laugh from his oldest child. "We are." He looked at Draco, who was watching Blaise. "If you grab the munchkin, we can put his jacket on and let him play in that walker outside."

Draco went to pick up Albus, but Blaise beat him to it. Carefully, he watched his friend put his large hands on Albus' waist and hoist him up as he stood to his feet. Albus kicked his feet as he babbled at Blaise. "Ha!" he exclaimed. "I'm holding a baby! Never done it before, but look! I'm good at it!"

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