Chapter Thirty One

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"What is going on with you and Hermione?"

Draco looked at his mother, his face saying he didn't want to talk about it, his mouth asking her if this was where she wanted the sofa, considering it was the fourteenth time that day that she'd decided to rearrange the furniture in her new living room. Granted, most of the rearranging had been done with the flick of a wand, but her inability to make a decision was grating his last nerve. The only thing that kept him going was the notion that he was getting his house back to a two-person occupancy.

"Draco? I know I didn't raise you to not answer your mother when she asks a question," Narcissa said in her stern voice.

Rolling his eyes, Draco sat down on the couch and rubbed the palms of his hands on his jeans. "It's nothing, Mother. Nothing you need to worry yourself about."

"What did you do?"

"Why do you bloody assume it's something I did?"

Narcissa gave him a look, which Draco matched for a good thirty seconds before breaking. "Fine. I did something. But in my defense I really don't think it's that big of a deal. Besides, she isn't upset about it."

"I didn't say I thought she was upset," Narcissa countered. "I asked what is going on because both of you seem out of sorts a bit."

Draco sighed. "When we came back the other weekend from the stag night - Hermione asked me on the way home what kind of wedding we were having, and she mentioned that Harry and Ginny are bonded and obviously you and Father are bonded I kind of told her that I didn't want to be bonded." His mother stood silent, too silent for Draco's own comfort. "Now you're speechless?" he scoffed.

Narcissa set her hands on her hips, silent a few moments longer living up to Draco's expectation. "How could you possibly tell that poor girl that you don't want to be bonded? She adores you! She loves you! Do you plan on leaving her?"

"Of course I don't!" Draco shouted, leaping to his feet. "I just don't think that I need to make such a permanent gesture for her to know I'm in it with her for the long haul! I don't want to trap her if this doesn't work. I mean - look at you. You couldn't leave - bad things were happening and you couldn't leave. You couldn't leave, you couldn't take me, you couldn't protect me, and you and I were stuck with him because you were bonded! I don't want her to ever be in that position - you of all people must understand that."

His mother's face softened a bit, the woman hesitating before approaching her only child. She put her hands on his face and looked up at him. "You are a good boy. A good man. Neither I nor your father can take credit for it, but if anyone asks, you best believe I'm telling them you got it from me."

Draco cracked a wry smile. "Thanks, Mother."

Narcissa stared directly into his eyes, the only feature of his he got from her. "You are not your father, Draco."

He swallowed hard. "Mother I -"

"I wasn't strong," Narcissa simply stated, moving her hands to grab his. "I was never like Hermione. That kind of fire was never in me, even before your father and I were married. I never knew how to stand up to your father and I should have protected you better. That will always be my biggest regret."

"I can't," he whispered. "If for some reason we were to stop working -"

"Why are you even thinking like this?" Narcissa asked. "Why are you questioning the one thing you've always wanted?"

Draco shook his head quickly. "I'm not questioning it. She's what I want. She's what I've always wanted, it took me forever to realize it, and now I have her. But there are no guarantees in life, Mother. None. Who's to say we will still be this happy in twenty years?"

Life after Hogwarts - A Hermione & Draco x Dramione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now