Plan B

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Avery closed the door behind Johnathon. It was the lawyer Felix had sent and he was super helpful. Maggie looked much less stressed afterwards which is what Avery cared more about. They sat down back at the table with her, giving her a concerned look.

"You doing alright?" They asked. "Johnathon seemed like he was feeling pretty confident about everything."

"Yeah, I just-" she shook her head. "I'm still thinkin' about the bitch who stole my identity. He gave us the ok to apply for the K-1," she was looking at his card. Avery reached into their pocket, grabbing the ring.

"We'll get the stolen identity sorted out, I'm still sorry you're dealing with it," they said softly. They pulled the ring out. "I- Uh, I can't really do this properly with the whole getting down on one knee thing, but I did grab this. It's not anything fancy but I figured it looks official enough," they said awkwardly, blushing. "So, wanna get married? To me?"

"Are you sure? You can still back out anytime," she said softly. Avery smiled at her.

"It was my idea, and Johnathon was right: it's the only guaranteed path to citizenship that doesn't involve getting deported and waiting fifteen years for the government to get to your petition. Plus, you're under the impression that I'm some sort of desirable entity that's gonna be wooing the ladies left and right. I only managed to land you because I've got a cute cat and can provide citizenship," they winked at her.

"Tha's not the only reason. You're very charming, an' my future wife is a great kisser," she smiled handsomely. Avery grinned.

"That was just a preview," they said, blowing her a kiss. "Want any more cake?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks," she smiled, looking at the ring. They had picked a random one, but it was kind of a nice square cut ring with a few stones on either side. "This is lovely by the way. You guessed my style. I won't get to wear it at work, but I can take it with me."

"Only if you want to. I also got some silicone rings for us since we can't have rings at work," Avery cut a slice of the cake, bringing it over. "So, how did we get engaged? We can make it anything we want to have happened," Maggie smiled as she piled her fork.

"I mean this is pretty cute as is. You proposed to me over cake," she took Avery's hand. Avery squeezed it.

"Glad it came out okay," Avery looked at Maggie with a wide smile, heart skipping several beats. She had quickly become everything, and it was crazy how fast they were catching feelings for her. Maggie was kind and authentic, it made Avery hopeful that she could sweep her off her feet. They'd never been this sunk over a girl before, but right now Maggie was all they could think about. Avery was grateful Maggie was a tactile person, because they were taking any excuse to touch her. Maggie felt like gravity, a powerful force pulling them in, and they didn't wanna fight it. Avery swallowed a bit, realizing she was just staring at Maggie like an idiot. "Sorry, you're just really pretty and sometimes it stops my brain."

"The feeling is mutual," she said softly. "Hopefully you can stand me for the next few days until all this blows over. Cannae work with the charges either," Avery couldn't help the excited feeling in their chest.

"I work a princess shift tomorrow, but after that we can do whatever you wanna do! I know it sucks, but we do have about a month's worth of dates to stage, and really any excuse to hang out with you. You're my favorite person to spend time with," Maggie blushed.

"I got one of those instant cameras and a bunch of film, it'll be nice to use it."

"We could take a bunch of cute pictures and hang them up! Instant cameras are a hella vibe, too. I can bring you something from work, unless you'd wanna meet me there and order for yourself," Avery was still grinning at the prospect of spending the whole day with Maggie.

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