New Things

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"Just a little more Avery, fuck it's so close," Maggie groaned, panting. Avery's arms were burning. "Harder."

"I'm pushing as hard as I can, Mags," Avery groaned. They'd been trying to get this new bookshelf together for the past twenty minutes, but one of the shelves wouldn't slot into place enough for Maggie to get the dowels in. Avery pushed with everything they had, straining.

"Got it!" Maggie cheered with a grin. Avery let it go, sighing in relief as it held.

"I'm never buying a shelving unit online again," Avery groaned, giving Maggie a weak high five. Maggie collapsed on the floor.

"Movin' it can wait," she sighed. Avery nodded, collapsing next to her with a laugh.

"Sorry I broke the other one with my dummy thick ass," Avery said between breaths. "I should've just sat down instead of leaning on it," Maggie's laugh bubbled out of her.

"It's alright, lovely," Avery looked over at her softly, a smile on their face. It had been a few weeks since their encounter with ICE and Maggie finally seemed to be getting back to her old self. Avery was falling in love with her more and more each day, and it was sometimes a bit dizzying how quickly they just settled into a married life together.

"I don't think I could ever regret a single second with you," they said softly. Maggie rolled on top of them.

"This really has been like one big adventure," she said softly. Avery reached up to cup her face.

"Any regrets?" They asked, stroking her cheek.

"Not even for a second," Avery grinned.

"Not even when I make stupid puns about my leg?" They snickered a bit.

"Not even then," Maggie kissed her deeply for a moment. "Except when you make the 'you'll ne'er guess how much this costs' jokes," Avery laughed, rolling them over and kissing her again. Maggie was their favorite person in the entire world, and sometimes they couldn't believe that they got to be with her. "I love you," she tapped their nose.

"I love you, too," they whispered back with a smile. "The only thing I would change is you hitting me with your car sooner, so I could have more time with you. And I would've gotten you something nicer than the cheap Walmart jewelry that stained your finger so bad I'm not sure it'll ever go away."

"I love this lil ring an' I love the green mark. Wouldn't trade it for anythin'," Maggie said, looking at her hand with a smile. "I still cannae believe that you just got in my car," Maggie giggled. Avery shrugged.

"It'll be a story for the kids. A cautionary tale about getting into cars with pretty strangers who offer to buy you coffee," they said with a laugh. "You could have taken me out so easily, and instead you took me to a Target and seduced me with shopping and pizza rolls," Maggie had really just had them wrapped around her finger from the start.

"I really could've. Also glad you cannae get me pregnant because it would've happened ten times," Maggie chuckled. Avery smiled mischievously.

"Wanna try for eleven?" They asked, hovering over her. Maggie bit her lip and nodded, pulling Avery in.

When they were done, wrapped around each other, Avery brushed some hair from her face.

"So, kids. We never really had the chance to talk about them before we got married. How do you feel about them?" They asked, looking down at her.

"I mean it doesn't matter to me either way. If you want kids, that's alright with me an' if no' then we'll have a house full of cats," Maggie said softly.

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