Chapter 7

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It is a quiet morning at the Beach and I was getting ready for another day of boredom, then later possible death.

I open my window and hear music playing, well not as quiet as I thought it was.

I knew that Arisu and Usagi were going to devise a plan to get out of here so I should probably meet up with them, they are on a different floor because of the difference in our numbers.

Arisu was still half asleep and Usagi was opening curtains. Then Arisu said we should gather information. I don't really know how much he would find out but that is the only plan that we have come up with so far.

Now the more stories that I heard, the more mixed up everything got, nothing made sense and with all of these people telling us different stories, it got worse. Aliens? Futuristic world? That sounds too far fetched.

We then made our way back inside.

"The more I hear, the more depressing it gets." Usagi says.

"Perhaps... our only hope really lies in the cards."

I didn't want to crush their dreams, but I think I should tell them that that was a made up lie for the Hatter to get power. Just not yet, I want them to still have some hope of making it back. Even if I couldn't give it to them.

We walked outside and they split up when I wasn't paying attention. So I decided to follow Arisu.

I know terrible decision.

We saw two girls by the ledge talking about something, maybe they could help us.

"Hey, can I ask you both something?" Arisu asked them while heading their direction. Seems as though he isn't the brightest bulb on the branch, he only scared them away.

"Wait, I'm not trying to hit on you!" He calls after them.

"Maybe they didn't want to be your friend. Or they know something and know we've been asking questions." I reply while giggling, this guy.

Then we hear a door slam, of course we go and check it out, starting to think I should have gone with Usagi. We turn the corner and have to back up so we wouldn't be seen by militants by a trash container.

When they walk away I follow slowly behind Arisu to the trash. This awful smell came, I wanted to throw up it was bad.

Then he lifted the tarp up, showing a bunch of dead people. More nightmares, this is wonderful.

We backed away from the container, and Arisu had a coughing fit.

"That is the true nature of this utopia." A voice says.

Chishiya and Kuina walked down the stairs, me and Kuina smiled and waved.

"This is part of the Beach's rule. Death to the traitors." Chishiya finished, It makes sense now, but why hide the bodies here and not burn them or something?

They then led us somewhere, Kuina and I leading the way, and Arisu and Chishiya following behind.

"I see you're still here." She says smiling, "I honestly thought you might be done for when Niragi grabbed you."

"To be honest I did too, but that clearly won't stop him again, so I am trying to lie low. As you can see we are not great at that."

"Word travels fast here, and that swimsuit does you good, so I understand why he is interested."

I look at her in shock, "Says you, you and Ann are some of the most beautiful people here. Yet he still chooses to harass me." I say the last part glumly looking down.

"Well if it makes you feel better then I could help, maybe, actually don't take my word on that because I don't want you to get mad if I fail." She hurriedly says waving her hands at me.

We pause for a second, and then burst out laughing, she was just like Ichigo, well more mature but it was like I was talking to her again.

We leaned on each other and fell over laughing, Chishiya and Arisu looking at us like we're maniacs. Then they walk again leaving us here to compose ourselves.

After a minute we race after them trying not to laugh at each other anymore.

We arrived on the roof, the sun was beating down on us. And we were standing far apart, which I thought was weird.

"Arisu, y/n. You two and Usagi seem to have collected a vast amount of information. What are you guys planning?" Chishiya asks.

"Nothing much." Arisu answers shortly. There was a pause.

"I'll cut to the chase. How will you live in a world that's full of despair?" That's a weird question.

"How?" Arisu repeats, others looking at him waiting for an answer. "I just want to know the answers to my questions. The ones behind this crazy game. And who killed Karube and Chota." Hearing their names made my heart drop a little. "I thought I'd be able to survive and return to the original world with everyone. If that's not possible, I want Usagi to return at the very least."

Ouch, that hurt he didn't even say my name, eh whatever.

"This is the only reason why I'm still alive." He finishes.

Chishiya smiles, "what a tearjerker." It seemed like it was kind of sincere. "Your dream... it's cool, but it's not practical at all."

Kuina chuckles, "You'll have to win all the games and become the next Number one, but that's impossible."

"It has nothing to do with you guys." Arisu says, I look up at him, he is right, but maybe we can get their help.

"We think you two have potential." Chishiya turns towards us.

"What?" Both me and Arisu question.

"That's why we came to meet you."

"What do you mean?"

"What if I said there's a way to change the status quo all at once?" Chishiya finishes.


We are now at the send of for Hatter.

"We're off to the game arena!" He says, everyone is cheering.

"They've gather quite a number of firearms. It was kept in the deepest in the annex, and there are patrols too. "  Usagi tells us as we are walking down a hallway.

"As long as they have those, Hatter has the advantage." I say.

Arisu stops, we do too.

"What's the matter?" Usagi asks him.

We look out the window to the send off.


Flashback to roof

"Hatter is trying to keep the militants in check, but it's only a matter of time before they retaliate. If that happens, this place will be controlled by the militants, who don't know how to use their brains. Then there'd be no point staying here." Chishiya says.

"What are you planning?" Arisu asks.

"I'm planning to steal all the playing cards and leave the Beach."


Back to present

The send off was ending, while we were watching it.

"A utopia doesn't exist in this world. Usagi. I'd like to talk to you about something."

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