Chapter 10

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****Guys, this chapter has attempted sexual assault. You don't have to read it if you are uncomfortable****

Our plan was beginning to fold out as we took our places, Kuina and I were with each other in a hallway close to the room just in case. Usagi was in a seperate hall, everyone had a walkie besides me, because I was close to Kuina, so she could tell me if something was happening.

Arisu started to head into the room, from what I heard, the voices were choppy and I was paying attention to our surroundings.

That's when Last Boss walked by, I stood there looking out a window, and kuina was checking her nails.

That's when the walkie made a noise. Kuina covered it up with a very obvious wink, too obvious. No way he would leave us alone now. But he was walking away by the time I looked back again.

Kuina gave me a thumbs up

This doesn't feel right, I should check if Arisu is okay.

"Kuina do you think you are good here? I am going to check on Arisu." I say walking over to her.

"Don't worry you'll get to see him, real soon." I hear a voice from behind. Kuina's eyes go wide and I can tell Niragi had heard what I said.

He had grabbed Usagi on the way as well.

"Arisu!" Usagi yelled as we were brought in the room. I should've known, they sold us out.

"Thank you for finding out who the traitors are Chishiya." Aguni thanks Chishiya as they walk in.

Last Boss had his sword at my throat so I couldn't do anything stupid. It seems as though Chishiya was expecting that I wouldn't be there, but he covered it up pretty quickly.

"Just keeping you safe." Chishiya say nonchalantly, sending a small glare my way. Which I gladly return.

Niragi was beating the shit out of Arisu, Usagi was taken away after yelling too much. I was there looking at the ground.

I don't know what to do. I really thought that maybe we could've gotten out of this hell hole. Even if the plan had gone the right way and I was 'hidden' Arisu and Usagi would have suffered.

I guess this was probably the best outcome, otherwise I think I would've killed those two with my own hands, all I know is that I need to steer clear of them.

"Hey princess? Where you at right now? Come back to earth." Niragi taunts as he waves his hand in front of my face. I glare, and he smirks.

"Maybe it's time for us to have some fun." He licks his lips.


Next thing I know is four people have a hold on one of my limbs and I am being dragged.

I start kicking and fighting them but that didn't work.

We went into a room and I was put on a bed. It dawns on me what's going to happen. I would honestly rather die.

"Hey wait, aren't you going to kill me?" I ask in a pleading tone.

Niragi walks in, "I bet you would like that wouldn't you?" Setting his gun off to the side he walks over to the edge of the bed.

By now I am freaking out hoping Kuina and Chishiya will show up guns blazing or something. I can't do this, but these guys are really strong, what are they here for anyways? Do they have fun watching others get raped?

He jumps on me, straddling my waist. I tried squirming away but it didn't work.

"Get off me," I yell. And that's when he smashed his lips on mine. I try turning but he has a hold of my chin, he seperates.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this princess, and oh, I am going to enjoy every bit of it." He says a bit out of breath and licks my stomach.

"Stop please." I cry almost in tears.

"Do you know why stealing, rape, and murder is illegal?" He asks licking my thigh now, I don't answer I try to kick one of the people holding me down. "It's because it comes naturally to us." He finishes now looking in my eyes, and starts fiddling with my top, pushing it up slightly before licking my chest.

"Please, stop." I whisper now tears threatening to spill.

"Huh? Keep going? If you insist." Niragi looks me in the eyes again about to go in for a kiss, then stops, saying, "There are no laws here, so I can do what I want, when I want princess."

His lips were on mine and I could feel his piercing, so I took the chance and tried to rip it out. I heard him yelp.

He muttered "Bitch," before slapping me.

The TV turned on.

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