Chapter 8

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They walked away, leaving me by the window, well I didn't want to be a third wheel anyways. I think to myself and walk to find Kuina. We said we would meet up at the bar that night and have a few drinks, so I am kind of excited.

I walk down the stairs and go to the outside bar looking for my friend. The music is blaring, people are dancing or throwing themselves at someone else. Kind of pathetic, but it was better than the indoor one at this time. You could barely get in the room sometimes, and I don't like that many people around me. Or touching me.

I see her sitting down waiting for me, and I decide to sneak up on her. It didn't work out because Chishiya ruined it, this man. Seriously?

She laughed and waves at me we I slump in a chair glaring at the fake blonde. I order (favorite drink) and the bartender gets it out quickly. Not gonna lie but the bartender is hot. He also looks like he knows he's hot too. Total turn off, unless he changes my mind.

"There you are mam." He says winking at me and then taking care of a few other's drinks.

"Dude he is hot," Kuina nudges me and her stare lingers on him for a second. Not that I mind, cause he is totally hot. Maybe even better looking than the fake blonde. "Maybe you two could hook up tonight." She winks at me and giggles.

I shove her back, "Oh, I don't think so, seems like he's into that other chick in the yellow." I reply nodding my head in the direction of the flirting male.

"Oh come on, it's just one night, not even." She tries to persuade me again.

"Oh you know she isn't going to do it." I hear Chishiya say, taking another sip of his drink.

"Just let her have some fun come on, y/n you're always so tense you gotta live a little."

"You sound like my best friend, and I think I agree with Chishiya. Look at him now." My gaze hadn't left the bartender for this conversation and he was already making out with another chick. "Besides before Karube met Emi he tried the same tricks on almost every girl he met. The he met Emi and she was the only girl he ever loved after that." I sigh thinking about their love story.

"If I heard the full story I'd think it's romantic, and come on, aren't I your best friend?" Kuina lightly punches my shoulder.

"Well now you are, but when we get back if Ichigo is there you two have to fight for that spot." I didn't want to mention my friends death and ruin the mood, so I decided that was the best thing to say.

"I don't get a shot?" Chishiya teased sarcastically.

"Hey back off, she's mine." Kuina laughs while putting her arms in front of me.

He then muttered something that I couldn't quite hear and he walked off.

(He muttered "for now" but you aren't supposed to know that so shhh).

"Well he got out of here quickly," Kuina grabbed another drink.

"Yeah, he did. Well more drinks for us!" We both cheered, the rest was a bit of a blur.


The next morning I woke up next to Kuina (not in that way), my head was screaming at me to go back to bed.

I got up and let her rest for a bit longer, I brushed my teeth, hair, and got on a swimsuit for the day, the same one as usual. It was kind of growing on me.

Right as I walked out of my room Arisu and Usagi called my name.

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