Chapter 14

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When I come to Ann is there sitting arms crossed.

"Hey." I say, she looks over to me.

"You are an idiot." She replies nonchalantly.

"That's the first thing you say to me? After I helped you part way to the lobby?"

"Kuina could've done that."

"I didn't know she was coming back for you or with you at all." My tone a bit bitter.

"You ran after a man with a loaded gun and then let yourself be thrown into a wall?"

"Oh, you saw that? I thought with the smoke people forgot about me."

"Oh we didn't. And just forgive your friend, it's obvious you don't hate each other."

"Alright alright, where's Arisu and Usagi?"

"They left." She then turned away to go through a few more things, when she turns around she won't see me. I have to get to those two.

They are the best chance everyone has, I run to a car I find and hop in, knowing that they were probably at the bridge from all those stories they told me before the Beach.

Sure enough they were there watching a video, I only caught the end where Asahi and Momoka were crying.

Poor girls, they went through so much.

"Arisu, Usagi." I say walking over to them, well hobbling, I got a walking stink to help me out.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Usagi asks worried.

"Shhh" I put my finger over my lips.

"Well we have to check out a subway station, care to join?" Arisu asks, not really interested in my condition.

"Eh sure."

Then we start walking to a subway, I didn't look at the name, and we hop on the tracks.

They seem to know where we are going so I just follow.

"There it is." Arisu says pointing his flashlight at a door that is open.

We slowly walk to it and go in, Arisu leading. There were lights on the walls, and we walked towards an... I don't know a computer security system?

We walk in one and there are dead bodies strung about, like the lasers had surprised them.

"You actually found this place." We hear a voice from the other side of the room.

Chishiya and Kuina walk in, I tense ready to grab my knives that I got from Ann.

"As expected from someone I have high hopes for." He looks at both Arisu and I, but mainly Arisu.

"We meet again." Kuina says both of them walking around some of the desks.

"You guys." Usagi whispers.

"Thanks to you guys, I have all the numbered playing cards with me." Chishiya shows us the deck. "Thank you."

So sincere and kind now? Ugh men.

"How did you discover this place?" Arisu asks them.

Chishiya raises a piece of paper, "It took me some time to realize that this is the map of a subway station."

It looks like a kid free on a piece of paper.

"What happens when we collect all of the playing cards." Chishiya questions as he walks closer. "I thought I would know the answer after I came here. But there is one thing I discovered."

"They are not game masters." Arisu finishes his thought.

"Right. Judging the fact that they were all killed after our victory. They are human like us, and there's someone above them."

There is a pause.

"Just who could they be?" Usagi asks.

"Who knows?" Chishiya responds. "They might be aliens. Or even God himself."

Arisu and I look over at him like he's crazy.

That's when the room lit up. Oh come on, can I get a break?

Music plays and card symbols show on the screens.

"Congratulations to all players." A voice says, we walk over by Kuina to see who is on the screen.

"What?" Kuina asks,

"Interesting." Chishiya says.

It's Mira, I knew something was up with her.

"With the exception of the face card games, all of you have cleared all the numbered games this far and edged the victors."

Ugh another one I want dead.

"A sweet victory you have grasped by sacrificing numerous lives. I wonder how many of your comrades have died?"

She stands, "Try remembering... Those that were shot dead by gun, that girl you burned alive. Those struck with lasers and those that drowned."

Her face behind us now, "those whose heads were blown off. Those comrades of yours."

The screens now had videos of past games, only two stuck out. The little boy, and your best friend.

"The despair you've felt so far," I could see myself reaching for both after they had died. "And those dying moments that you can never forget."

Those videos were replaced with Mira. "I am extremely touched! All of you players, we would like to give you a present."

"Are you returning us to the original world?" I hear Kuina ask.

"There will be new games! Let's play games together. You'll fight for the face cards!"

"New games?"

"I don't dislike the idea." Chishiya says.

"We've still got many more wonderful games prepared for all of you, so look forward to it." Mira continues.

"This woman. Is she the game master?" Usagi asks.

"I'd rather see an alien on the screen." Kuina states.

"Me too." I sigh.

"The next stage will commence tomorrow at noon. Let's have some fun together!" Mira says.

"So we have to fight again." Usagi says, and I look over disappointed that we have to do this again.

"Yes." Arisu says. "But one thing is different this time. We're finally looking at our target.

Final Chapter!!!
Next book is being worked on right now!!

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