Chapter 3 Monsterphila: the start of the search (rework)

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Eina stayed out at the front of the entrance of the dungeon and she was getting angsty she feared for Isabel's and Bell's life she was such a young woman to lose her life in there and his selflessness had gotten her by surprise, being a half elf her hearing was better then most and she heard the running of a man exiting she had her hands together praying it was the two similar looking adventurers she saw the familiar jacket and weapons of Bell with Isabel strung over his shoulder she noticed right off the bat his face had a nasty gash on it he laid Isabel on the ground quuckly going through one of his pouches she made her way over "what happened down there?" Eina asked in shock Isabel still had a drowsy look in her eyes "undead overwhelm the third floor something clawed Isabel's leg bad had to carry her out was injured myself." Bell explained taking out med-kit taking out a morphine needle plunging it into her leg near the wound "by the Gods." She said looking at the giant bleeding gash she also noticed Bell's outfit was red with blood procuring a esmarch he applied it just above the wound before grabbing his small bottle of whiskey using it to sterilize the wound before grabbing his sutures looking around he noticed a crowd forming around them "hey, Wankers make some bloody room will ya!" He shouted loudly and angrily they listened quickly fearing the anger of the white haired soldier shaking his head he went back to stitching up the wound when he finished Bell removed the esmarch before procured bandages wrapping the wound tightly he sighed knowing he was finished Bell looked to Isabel's face she was not looking good her eyes tightened shut before she opened them looking up at Bell who was kneeling next to her "you okay that was a rough spot I found you in?" He asked Isabel just grabbed him by the back of his neck pulling him into a hug quiet sobs erupted from the girl gripping tightly Bell patted her back with one arm pulling up to his seated position reassuring the girl she was safe "It's ok, it's ok, I'm here Isabel." Bell said giving the girl a rub on the shoulder "I-I thought I was going to die!" Isabel stuttered her eyes tear filled and shook but Bell had a look of sympathy for the girl "I know, I know, I'm sorry I couldn't get there earlier." He apologized but Isabel just shook her head into his chest still crying but relieved that she was still alive.

Bell had taken Isabel back home to the church leaving her with Hestia who stayed by her side Bell told them he'd be back with food and headed back to the Hostess he sat at the bar with a drink just staring at the liquor thinking about what happened down there his face stitched up made his once smooth face tougher to look at Ryuu walked next to his chair with his food she noticed the deep thought he was in "what happened down there?" She asked with a curious look "Undead got me pretty good scratched my face, one fucked up Isabel's leg pretty good." He explained taking a drink "if I were to guess she's probably going to recover within 8 weeks." Bell concluded staring forward Ryuu raised a brow "why not get a health potion and make the recovery faster?" She asked cause Bell to chuckle "why of course let me just tap into my emptyless coin purse and buy a health potion." He said sarcastically shaking his head "look Ryuu I barely have enough for the food today." He said looking at the food to-go he tossed the his coin purse on the counter grabbing the food before he was stopped by Ryuu "tell her to meet me here I'll help her out." She offered Bell looked at her face for any sign of her trying to take advantage of their situation but saw only sincerity he looked down then nodded "I'll let her know thanks I owe you one." Bell said grabbing the food leaving the bar Ryuu watched him leave then shook her head before going back to work.


In the morning Bell told Isabel what Ryuu told him and she went on her way her limp was bad but expected her leg was injured as Bell walked around town, looking for anything interesting when he heard a voice "hey you stop nyan!" A cat girl said this is when he realized he was near the hostess "what do you need?" Bell asked looking at the girl he had a curious look on his face why would this random cat girl stop him "forgive me for stopping you I'm Chloe I got a question for you, you and the other white hair, are Syr's customers right nyan?" Chloe asked Bell raised a brow "what do you mean 'her customers?'" He countered she waved her hand "nevermind look she left her money to go to Mosterphila can you do me a favor and bring it to her?" Chloe asked Bell thought about it "sure why not." He agreed being handed the coin purse "just head that way and you'll find the festival's grounds nyan." She explained Bell nodded and headed in the direction completely forgetting about Isabel looking for his search query.

Scene change

Isabel was walking through the festival area her leg fully healed thanks to Ryuu's magic she was so grateful for her help that she pretty much guilt tripped the Elf into hanging out with her for the day for payment on their way through they saw a certain white haired Soldier walking looking around for something or someone 'what is he looking for?' Isabel thought watching as he made his way through Ryuu popped behind her "what are you doing?" The elf asked scaring the rabbit like girl "I-I was watching what Bell was doing here." Isabel stuttered out as Ryuu looked to the man she was intrigued to the fact he was searching for something 'what could he be looking for?' She thought as she looked to Isabel and nodded "better follow him make sure he stays out of trouble." Ryuu said staying a decent ways away whilst watching over the man.

Scene change

Inside a Cafe nearby a white Haired Goddess sat across from her was Loki and one of her children they were talking Loki hid it well but knew something was bothering the goddess across from her "so Freya what's the deal you're acting strange." Loki observed Freya chuckled dismissively "what do you mean strange Loki?" Freya asked a smile on her face as she looked for reasons to change the subject but Loki continued "you've been distracted, don't tell me your after another one." Loki said wiggling her eyebrows causing the white haired goddess to look away looking into the crowd she saw the white hair "well half right, I'm after two." Freya admitted watching the oddly dressed white haired male walk around he was searching for someone or something "ohh, and why are you after these two they strong?" Loki inquired "not really, not yet anyway they have a unique quirk about them one is the brightest of the two something I can't really explain it's like their soul is too pure, the other a strange mix between the two they're soul in a strange conflict i think." Freya elaborated she had a pleased look on her face as she said this before she turned to the two "excuse me please." Freya said walking away from the two Loki pondering what she said didn't notice the white haired goddess leave.

Scene change

Bell was not having fun right this moment he felt his skill activating, someone was watching him to be exact two groups were watching him and he had to find Syr it put him on edge when suddenly he felt a tap on his arm from behind he turned seeing Hestia standing near him "I thought that was you Bell, what are you doing here?" She asked Bell rubbed the back of his neck "well Goddess I was asked if I can give someone their coin purse." Bell explained holding the bag of coin up "well how about we hang out a little while you look for this person, we never get to!" Hestia exclaimed pumping her fist to the air Bell pondered for a moment before Isabel came out of nowhere "t-that sounds like a good idea!" She exclaimed popping up next to the two scaring Hestia a little, Ryuu walked behind her "well looks like you blew your cover." The elf said in a monotone voice "were you the two spying on me earlier?" Bell asked with narrowed eyes Isabel rubbed the back of her neck "w-well you see uhh." She got out before Ryuu rolled her eyes "yes we were, we wanted to make sure you were ok." She explained Bell had an annoyed look before he pinched the bridge of his nose "well now I know why my skill was active." He said before Isabel and Hestia grabbed the two arms he had they led him to a nearby cafe.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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