Prologue (rework)

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Bell's POV

Me and Adler were walking towards a cliff side after the mission was done Persus no longer had the nukes and half of Europe was safe from nuclear fire for some reason I felt something was wrong almost as if something bad was going to happen ever since I was told what happened to me by everyone back at the safe house I felt less safe I don't know why. "Arctic air. Clears the head doesn't it?" Adler said waiting for a response I gave none as we stopped on the cliff side still feeling torn on one hand I had just stopped a nuclear detonation and the murder of millions, on the other I had just betrayed my people, and homeland "Bell you made two extraordinary sacrifices to stop Persus. One was without your knowledge. The other... you made that decision of your own accord." He said as he turned away stepped towards the edge "I just want you to know that this little thing that's happened with you and me... It was always for the greater good." He said as he tossed a cigarette off the cliff "you're a goddamn hero. You know that, kid? Heroes have to make sacrifices. That's why when I ask you for one more, I hope you understand." Adler said as he turned to the cliff side as he did I was starting to realize what he meant 'he wouldn't would he?' I thought as he continued "it was never personal." He finished as he and I pulled our 1911 out to shoot at each other.

No one's POV

two shots echoed off in the distance one body lay dead with white hair, the other was nowhere to be seen possibly off the side of the cliff in the water or on the rocks over the edge just then we see Matt "Bell" Cranel his body starts to glow and slowly disappear never to been seen in this world again.

Bell's POV

I opened my eyes as I took in a short breath "where am I am I dead?" I said as I looked around and saw weird colorful flowers not ordinary colorful but odd almost glowing it made me think about what happened with me and Adler how we shot each other I think I felt the bullet hit me it felt like a truck hit me. It got me thinking about when I was shot. I was on a cliff side now randomly I found myself in some type of dark environment everything was odd to say the least colorful but dark I saw a purple orb sort of dancing as I was walking I started my way towards it I went up to it and put my hand through it. The orb felt like goop very wet and sticky (that's what she said) I pulled away as I heard a scream "what the hell was that" suddenly an object fell from the sky to my feet looked like a cassette player. I picked it up and inspected it bloody slightly I opened it up seeing the cassette on the inside of it 'Alone' by Kevin Sherwood I stared at the name it sounded familiar but not at the same time I put it in one of my pockets when I heard another scream and a man speaking after slightly echoing and sounding distorted "An army of one" then I braced myself pulling my XM4 from my back aiming at the noises' direction then a odd creature almost human looking with red arms came barreling through needless to say I was scared it started to shoot green energy at me I moved out of the way to my right when I collided with something I looked at what I collided with it was a man but it's flesh was all white and grey pale looking it turned to me eyes glowing yellow jaw missing I aimed at the creature and shot killing it making blood spray everywhere I turned to the big demon and saw it was in my face suddenly it smacked me towards the orb crashing through it and somehow into a tunnel that looked like it was moving me I felt disoriented and sore from the hit suddenly pitch black nothing "huh i can't see shit." I said as I pulled out a flashlight and turned it on suddenly a female scream and a howl from a creature "someone's in trouble." I exclaimed as I started to get up from the ground and jog towards the female screaming.

No ones POV

We see a young adventurer running from what looks to be a Minotaur as she is running from it she trips off a rock and stumbles to the ground getting right back up this young 18 year old is Isabel Cranel.

Isabel Cranel's POV

I was running from a minotaur that was chasing me through the third floor of the dungeon 'why is a minotaur here' I thought as I was running I screamed as it got closer to me as I reached a dead end 'I'm sorry Kami-sama' I thought as I got ready to die but it didn't come instead I saw a man wearing a strange outfit shoot the minotaur with a strange weapon 'probably a magic weapon ' I thought he looked like me slightly if he was shorter and had longer hair he stood in front of the Minotaur challenging the monster holstering his weapon for two smaller ones he ran towards the monster firing the weapons damaging the monster I stood still frightened too scared to do anything when suddenly he put his weapons away and grabbed a knife stabbing it into the Minotaur pulling down cutting through the monster but in the process getting hit hard enough to be pushed back towards a wall with his knife in hand "ahhh that hurt a lot." I heard him say as he pulled out an tube looking object and threw it towards us suddenly everything was white and my ears were ringing but I felt myself get picked up and moving away I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to get my bearings back I felt us stop moving and me touching the cold floor I opened my eyes to see the man crouching looking at me I started to blush when I saw how handsome he was.

Bell's POV

I couldn't let this person die when I picked her up and ran her away from that bull man I needed to find out what is happening here so we got as far away as possible and sat her down by the wall "are you ok?" I asked with a slight accent of British descent 'damn brainwashing' I thought "I'm ok she said as she tried to stand up but fell back down "here let me help" I said as I pulled out a first aid kit trying to find anything that can be sutured but found nothing "odd I would of expected a gash or something maybe you ran out of energy." I said as I grabbed her and carried her bridal style "how do we get out of here?" I whispered to no one then suddenly a roar the very same that came out of that weird colorful dark place "you don't belong here" it said as it came up on us I saw the girl start shaking from its voice "it's okay we'll get out of this trust me." I said reassuring her and started to run away from it as it started to shoot energy at us I noticed another one of those anomalies and an idea was forged the demon came around the corner sprinting at us and I stood there until the last second and moved the creature hit the anomaly and disappeared along with the anomaly "are you ok Ma'am?" I asked the girl "I'm fine and my name is Isabel" she said as she stood up "how about you?" Isabel said as I held out my hand getting a hand shake " I'm ok as well my name is Bell." I said giving her my code name "do you know where we are Isabel." I asked her "did you you get lost Bell because I would of expected a well equipped adventurer would know where he was going or have a map on him." She said as she looked at my gear " I lost most of my gear fighting that demon." I lied as convincing as possible "well then Bell I guess I could show you the way out if you do something for me." She said as she looked down at the ground "what would that be" I asked "I want you to train me help me improve please!" she said as she bowed to me "alright is that all little lady." I said smirking as I crossed my arms she smiled and shook her head Yes looking for an answer "well then Isabel we have training to do." I said with a smile watching as she jumped up in celebration running through the dungeon I chuckled as I followed, 'my new adventure free of Persus and Adler.' I thought as I shrugged my own eyes could finally see the world for what it was.

To be continued...

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