Wanting to help

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Hestia was nervous about her plan she wanted to help her children out with something from her hoping Heastpheaus will help her, but for now she was enjoying the banquet and sneaking food for later "well, well, well if it isn't Little Bitty." A voice said mockingly Hestia turned to see Loki standing behind  with a smirk on her face Hestia sighed "Hey Loki." She said unenthusiastically "nice to see you haven't changed, sneaking food are we~" Loki teased wiggling her eyebrows Hestia blushed in embarrassment "shut up Loki! atleast I'm not as flat as a board!" She exclaimed Loki immediately gained an angry look grabbing Hestia and swinging her around yelling unintelligible obscenities at her before a redhead with an eyepatch walked up "now now Loki think it's time you calm down for a bit." The eyepatch wearing lady said Loki obliged obviously still angry stomping away grumbling under her breath "Heastpheaus just the goddess I was looking for!" Hestia exclaimed hugging the taller goddess "Now, Now Hestia I already told you I'm not lending you money anymore." Heastpheaus said pushing the small goddess off of her "that's not why I wanted to talk to you!" Hestia exclaimed blushing from embarrassment as Heastpheaus raised a brow "oh, then what did you want to talk about?" She asked crossing her arms "well..." Hestia started.

scene change

Isabel was spending some time working at the Hostess currently she was in the back washing dishes, she felt as though it would help her she wanted buy something for Bell to help him, her hero she thought he would do well with a short sword of some kind or a suit of armor. The door opened Ryuu had came back from her break she was holding up Bell by his shoulder which worried her "what happened!" She exclaimed loaning Bell a shoulder to lean on "Magic overuse he's fine just needs to sit for a few." Ryuu said taking Bell's arm off her shoulder "yeah Isabel don't worry just testing my spell out." Bell explained rolling his free shoulder Ryuu rolled her eyes walking through the door to the restaurant area going back to work, Isabel's eyes locked to the stab wound on his chest near his shoulder "what's this I was only gone for half a day!" Isabel exclaimed looking into the man's eyes "some nobodies tried to rob me one of them got lucky." Bell explained pulling out his surgery kit to stitch himself up Isabel held up a hand grabbing the needle and thread and began stitching him up.

Scene change

Heastpheaus was sitting at her desk in her shop in front of her was Hestia on her knees begging for something a weapon "how long are you planning on keeping this up?" Heastpheaus asked obviously annoyed at the antics of her friend "until you help me make a weapon for Bell and Isabel." Hestia said stubbornly Heastpheaus sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "this is the only thing I can do for them to help them survive, and plus I think you'd be interested in Bell's weapons." Hestia said Heastpheaus raised a brow "oh, and why is that?" She asked intrigued "you remember that weapon that found it's way into your care, the one that you assumed was a projectile weapon?" Hestia started Heastpheaus nodded remembering the odd weapon "well Bell has a few of those, maybe he would let you know how they worked." Hestia bargained Heastpheaus' eye widened at the claim then chuckled shaking her head "ok, ok Hestia you've got me intrigued I'll make you're children a weapon, but two rules, first you are going to help me, and secondly bring this member I want to meet them." Heastpheaus ordered before getting hugged by the small goddess "THANK YOU THANK YOU?!" Hestia exclaimed in happiness "don't thank me yet, oh and one more thing you will be paying me back every Valis for these weapons." Heastpheaus added Hestia deflated some but was determined to help her two children no matter the cost she nodded and left hoping that Bell would help her secure this deal.

Scene Change

Back at the hostess Bell was just sitting at the bar looking at his knife remembering what he went through before he got to this strange place and his mind drifted to Cuba back on that roof he remembered the pain on Lazars face it was greater on his face then Park's 'of course she expected me to choose her in that situation if it was Adler though..." he thought before he shook his head disregarding the thought "have something on your mind?" Ryuu asked bringing him a drink he looked up seeing the Elf beauty he gave a sad smile "yeah, thinking about a choice I made a while ago, I feel as if it was the wrong one." Bell explained Ryuu tilted her head "Me and my old team went to look for something important, we were ambushed and we were trapped... well most of us I was the only one that could move infront of me were two choices, Lazar, or Park." Bell explained putting the knife away "I could only save one but I thought if I could grab Park first since she was the close to Lazar but far from me I thought I could save both, but that's not how it went immediately after I grabbed Park we were whisked away and Lazar was left behind probably killed or worse." Bell said closing his eyes and raising his mug before putting it back on the coaster infront of him "and now that I think back on it I remember the pain on his face as I started crawling to Park, she was calm almost as if-" he started but was cutoff "she'd know you'd come for her, not worried at all?" Ryuu guessed Bell nodded "if I could go back to that moment with what I know now I would of save Lazar, he was a good man he didn't deserve that." Bell said his head hung low "what about Park?" Ryuu asked with a raised brow "she was part of the reason I am the way I am now, then had the nerve to use me the way she did I wouldn't weep for her death." Bell said coldly going back to his drink "if you don't mind me asking who did you lose?" Bell asked Ryuu's eyes widened "I can tell you know, it's in the eyes." Bell explained Ryuu just shook her head "maybe another time, Bell." She said walking away from the soldier who had started drinking from the mug going back into thought he had a sad smile on his face thinking about the past.


Bell walked with Isabel back home he didn't want anything bad to happen he took out his pack of cigarettes taking the last one from the pack and tossing the empty pack into a nearby trash-bin he wasn't two worried about running low on smokes for he had two more packs and planed to go to a general store soon to see if they sold some if not he thought that someone could make them for him he would have to ask around later lighting it he took a couple of drags when he head something from a nearby alley he nudged Isabel "you go ahead I'll meet up with you back at the church." Bell said Isabel nodded walking away from him "stay safe Bell." She said with a smile as he started walking into the alley the closer he got the louder the voices got "Finally I caught you you fucking bitch!" a man's voice yelled then another "l-let go of Lili?!" A female voice exclaimed the sound of struggle got to his ears and he walked towards it pulling out one of his 1911's taking the safety off and racking the slide there he saw a small woman struggling against an armored man aiming the gun to the sky he fired the sound made the two look towards Bell who looked calm and collected "let go of the girl, boy." Bell ordered calmly causing the man to gain a look of anger on his face "Huh? Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled aiming the tip of his sword at the soldier "someone that doesn't like dirtbags harassing little girls." Bell said grabbing the cigarette from his mouth which had burned down to the filter and flicking it at the man who flinched at the act "What!?" The adventurer exclaimed. "You'll protect a shitty supporter?! They're nothing but scum!" He continued angrily Bell raised a brow to this "nothing but scum, huh is this how you treat the one's you bring into battle?" Bell asked anger seeping into his voice moving closer grabbing the mans arm off the girl and pushing him away "tsk bastard?!" The man yelled gaining back his bearing and attempting to slash Bell's chest but was stopped when a bullet from Bell's gun removed the sword from the mans hand the man looked confused at his hand his eyes widened and he took a step back but tripped on his own leg scared for his life. "I'll give you one chance buddy leave now or throw away your life." Bell said threateningly the man got to his feet and ran in the opposite direction Bell sighed "well he's gone now you can-" he started looking behind him seeing the little girl was gone "where did she?" Bell asked but shook his head not his business he thought walking back to the street pulling another cigarette pack from his left Jacket pocket.

To be continued

(A/n not sure what the weapon for Bell is going to be but I have an Idea of a ballistic type knife but ultimately not sure yet see y'all next time.)

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