chapter 3

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i just wanted to say thank you for the few fans that have followed, voted and commented


"he what?!"

taehyun and beomgyu were out of there minds- losing it; acting like pure maniacs in desperate need to be put into a psychiatric hospital. talking over each so loud and bouncing around in such hyper-ness that others side eyed them.

taehyun's eyes were twinkling- stars dancing within them, "he actually asked you a question??"

yeonjun nods happily; as if he was showing off with pride, "yes, he did."

hueningkai leans forward, needing to know- craving into to his curiosity, "you're for real right now?"

"yes," yeonjun continues on, "i was just about to leave when he asked me what i liked to do for fun."

hueningkai shoves him playfully, "stoppp."

yeonjun laughs- giggling like a girl, "it's true. i finally got him to say something. i mean.. he wasn't really.. looking at me but still it's progress-"

"did you ask him on a date again?" beomgyu interrupts; needing to know.

the elder halts, utterly forgetting about the whole main reason why they were here in the first place, "no.. i forgot about that."

they all groan, shaking their heads in disgrace- now making the sweet taste bitter against their tongues. their sudden high being replaced with a low; disappointment flooding everywhere.

yeonjun tries to save himself, "class started, i couldn't talk to him.. he was too focused. besides! i don't know where else to find him either. i don't know any of his classes."

taehyun playfully rolls his eyes, "you didn't even know you had chemistry with him until two hours ago."

"okay. yeah. whatever. but i just can't go stalking him like some-"

"he has math with me. that's third period." beomgyu speaks out.

"i've seen him go to history right after that. so that's his fourth." hueningkai joins in.

"then i think.. health? wait.. maybe that's his sixth." taehyun continues on.

"and he definitely goes to the library before and after school so.. there you go. there's a starter pack for you."

yeonjun sighs, "look.. i just think that-"

"wait! does he have this lunch?" taehyun says, interrupting- now twisting and whipping his head around as if soobin would just suddenly pop out.

"no.. i don't think so. unless.." beomgyu begins to look around too- coping taehyun; looking like paranoid freaks.

they both turn to each other, the same idea lighting up in their brains- making their eyes widen up huge and begin to have little tiny smirks paint themselves against their lips.

"he's in the library."

hueningkai begins to jump up and down excitedly, "oh my god, you're right. yeonjun we gotta go check. and then you can ask him."

yeonjun shakes his head instantly- already watching how the three were climbing out of their seats like monkey on steroids; already picking up their hot mess and steadying themselves up straight- declaring their exit.

the elder stays planted firmly into his seat, "no."

"why not?" hueningkai says, nudging him with irritation.

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