chapter 8

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sorry for the late update BUT
fasten your seatbelts for a LOOONNNGG chapter


"you know what would be fun?"

yeonjun's voice bursts out against all the echoes and muffled sounds that explode from the crammed hallway; being yanked and pulled all around, barely able to shuffle two full steps without bumping into one another.

soobin looks at him from the corner of his eye, trying to weave and navigate his way through- though showing that yeonjun's strong voice easily caught his attention.

the younger yells back, "what?"

yeonjun immediately gets pushed into soobin- brushing up against his shirt and getting a clean whiff of his scent; smelling so pleasantly fresh that yeonjun wanted to nearly bathe in it.

yeonjun swallows down the thought and looks back up at soobin, "skipping class together."

soobin passes along a tiny smile, "i'll pass on that."

yeonjun whines, "why not? it would be so fun. we could go get something to eat. or go to a park and relax. it would be totally worth it."

soobin softly creeps in closer to yeonjun's warmth, "well, first of all.. it sounds like a date. and second of all.."

soobin barely stumbles over his own feet; being pushed and twisted around in a thousand of directions like a rag doll.

he collides into yeonjun, their arms and shoulders uniting as one- while they both try to stable and balance themselves from falling face first on the ground; praying they wouldn't die by getting trampled.

"i've never skipped." soobin says close to yeonjun's ear.

his vocal chords sink deep into his eardrum; getting yeonjun to foolishly and unnecessarily tingle all over- as if he was purposely whispering it as a secret message for him only.

yeonjun keeps his eyes far away from soobin's and quickly says, "well, there's a first time for everything. right? and.. it's not really a-"

the elder doesn't get to finish. the crowd was pushing so crazily against them, popping out the seams like fat- nudging around impatiently as if they were actually needing to go to class. being so careless and harsh that someone had actually slammed completely into yeonjun; sending him flying forward like a rocket.

all he does is blink before he was just seconds away from banging into the person in front of him- just about to go whirling down to the ground like a fool in mere seconds- when abruptly, strong and steady hands confidently fold their way against yeonjun's skin.

soobin leans forward and swiftly curves his fingers around yeonjun's body- pulling him up by the shoulders and away from his near death. making sure yeonjun was safe and secure, keeping both of them pressed close to each other; as if he was snuggling him in close.

he kept him molded and curved along together; being so gentle, yet firm. unwilling to let him go.

yeonjun pushes back his train of thoughts and continues on like nothing happened; like soobin didn't catch him so lovingly, like there wasn't a million ripples sickening his stomach, "it's not really a date. it's more like.. hanging out."

soobin shakes his head, now slowly detaching away from yeonjun, "that sounds like a date."

"well.. it could be like a pre-date." yeonjun suggests, "you know.. it's not a date date but like a.. practice date."

soobin bites his bottom lip, singing along, "still a no."

yeonjun sighs- running his brain around the track; racing to think of something- of anything- that would convince soobin to leave his denying stage and finally agree to go on one single fucking date.

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