The Confession That Went Wrong pt. 2

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[This is a Part two to autisticxfangirl s "The Confession that went wrong"]

[A/N:Just a reminder Henry's mom name is Kris NOT Siren]

Jasper's POV:
Time after confession:A week after

I felt bad because after Henry's parents saw us they kicked Henry out and tried to turn my mom on us(Which didn't work because she was super supportive)

Henry refused my moms offer to live with us and instead moved in with Ray

Ray was so mad to hear what Henry's parents did and Henry begged him not to go and talk to his parents which he listened

I stood there watching the two fight back and fourth about it until a customer walked in

" Ok you know what kid! Fine I won't but if they harass you in anyway-! " Ray was cut off by Henry

"Ray I'll be ok they barely know the way here!" Henry said

I couldn't get any more of the conversation because the customer walked over to me

"Do you guys have video games?" The girl asked me

"Oh yea their in the back what in particular are you looking for?"I asked the girl trying to be more professional because according to Ray I'm not

"Final Fantasy XVI"She said nervously looking away

" Oh sorry should have been more specific- we have older games nothing new sorry"I said feeling kinda bad

"Oh it's ok just thought I would ask do you have any older games kind of like it?"She said seeming more nervous

" Closest I know of is Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V which isn't really close but I dunno it's a good game-"I said not knowing what to say

"Already have but oh well thanks" She said walking out

I noticed the Ray and Henry were gone so I went down stairs to the Mancave to see Henry on his phone and Ray with a.. Popcorn Machine??

"Where did that come from-"

"My Uncle owns a circus! Or uh.. Owned a circus"

I shrugged and sat with Henry to see what he was doing

Henry's POV

I laughed for a second while Jasper sat next to me on the couch

"My uncle should join a circus!" I said because I thought it was funny and so did everyone else

Then Charlotte and Piper came down the tubes

After our parents got mad at me and kicked me out Piper moved out too so that she would be with me and because she told our parents she was Lesbian and dating Char

"Hey guys how was your date" Jasper asked

They went out to a fancy restaurant as a date and to tell me and Jasp if it was good

"Great! And the food was amazing" Charlotte said bringing Piper to the couch

"Yeah you two should definitely go as a date its really good! " Piper said encouraging us to try it

Ray came over with a bunch of popcorn from the machine

"How about a movie!" Ray Suggested

Everyone agreed as Ray got the remote and the tv came from the ceiling

<Few Minutes Later>
Time after movie:3 minutes

Jasper's POV

I looked over at Henry who was asleep laying on my lap

I didn't realize he fell asleep so I subconsciously stopped shaking my leg(Opposite of Hen's head)

I looked around slowly realizing I was the only one awake

I grabbed my phone and checked the time realizing it was midnight I carefully moved Henry's head and got up turning off the lights

I then moved Char and Piper to Piper's room and moved Henry to his room leaving Ray because he was to heavy

As I was about to leave I heard Henry mumble

"No.. Don't go Jasper.. " He mumbled as I turned to face him

"I'm not going anywhere Hen"I said as I walked back and carefully laid next to him holding him close
[Hey everybody so just thought I would say the girl that walked in looking for Video games was me because I would do that lol anyway thanks for reading :D]



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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