Not According To Plan

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Back down in the overworld, Blue Steves are in an open field that's near the Red Kingdom. There, they had set up big a 3 by 3 radio panel, with a 20 block metal antenna, meant to connect to and communicate with the space station through radio waves. Around the radio are iron bar walls going around in a square shape, with a redstone tower in one of the corners. In the area is a few small wooden huts. The Blue Steves have taken on the role of communications. They were asleep until the radio started screaming...


The Blue Steves in the area woke up immediately and ran to the radio.

"Blue Steves to Sabre Space Station! Blue Steves to Sabre Space Station!"

"Orange had just gone missing!" Red Steve exclaimed on the radio.

"What!? Where is his slime block machine!?" A Blue Steve yelled at the radio.

"That's gone too!" Green Steve exclaimed back. Through the radio, they heard an alarm going off.

"Solar storm incoming in twenty minutes! Solar storm incoming in twenty minutes!"

"Where is Orange!?" Another Blue Steve shouted.

"WE DON'T KNOW!" Indigo Steve yelled.

"Check the teleportation panels!"

"We already did that!" Indigo Steve yelled back through the radio.

"So he's just disappeared!? *Looks at a Blue Steve* Get Assistant Steve now!" One of the Blue Steves yelled at another. The Blue Steve summons lightning, teleporting to the laboratory in the Red Kingdom.
(On the space station)

"Where could Orange be- That- He wanted to go to the moon right?" Yellow Steve theorized.

"The trip to the moon would take two days! If he went off, he'd be half way and the solar storm will burn him!" Red Steve exclaimed back, yelling back at Yellow Steve.

"So that means he's gonna die of radiation!?" Green Steve yelled in panic, running around whilst trying to look for anything that could teleport Orange Steve's slime block machine, if he truly had taken off.

"Everyone just- Be quiet and SHUT UP!" Everyone else felt stunned in place as Violet Steve screamed the loudest he could.

"Panicking isn't gonna do us good. If we're gonna do ANYTHING- We need to just... think, and not... yell, at one another."

"Solar storm incoming in ten minutes! Solar storm incoming in ten minutes!"

"Hello, what is the situation?" Assistant Steve said as he silently teleports into the space station.

"Orange just- He took off while we were asleep!" Indigo Steve exclaimed as he replied.

"What a moronic decision of, Orange Steve. But well done, for you lot for not going after him," Assistant Steve responded.

"We won't get to him in time before the solar flare hits. The antennas in the space suit are to connect to the towers, not for me to teleport to. I require these redstone towers to teleport, so I won't be able to teleport to get to him."

"There has to be something we can do, right!? We can just let him die-"

"No, there isn't, Violet Steve. I have just calculated of, all possibilities, and all result in not getting Orange back, alive. I am sorry, I am unable to do anything for him," The robot interrupted.

"Well, we can't get him back- Can we radio over to Orange?" Red Steve asked Assistant Steve.

"The antennas are specifically designed for teleportation, not to communicate," The robot replied.

"Can you calculate his chances of survival, after being blasted by radiation?" Yellow Steve asked.

"Hmm. Calculating... please wait," Assistant Steve replied.

"Calculating... calculating..."

"Calculation completed. There is a one percent chance that Orange will survive, for long enough to get him back to the space station. While it is very unlikely we'll be able to, if we can get him on the space station fast enough, we can save him."

"So- We have no choice but let him get hit by that solar flare..." Indigo Steve murmured, with all the astronauts on board looking down sorrowfully.

"I'm afraid so," Assistant Steve replied.

"Initiating space station lock down." As soon as Assistant Steve said that command, netherite tiles came out of the iron blocks on the outside and covered all the windows at the bottom.

"This will keep us safe from the radiation that will soon come in this direction," Said Assistant Steve.

"While we're all shielded, Orange is gonna die, alone..." Violet Steve mumbled in a whisper, struggling against the urge to not cry.

"We've got that one percent chance thing to hang on to..." Red Steve quietly stuttered back to Violet Steve.

"Solar storm incoming in five minutes! Solar storm incoming in five minutes!"
(5 minutes later)

"Solar storm incoming in five, four, three, two, one..."

"How long is this going to last?" Green Steve sighed, looking at Assistant Steve.

"It will last for an estimated... twelve hours. It is very unlikely Orange Steve will live long enough for us to get to him," The robot replied.

"I know..." Green Steve murmured back, now looking away from Assistant Steve and at the floor.

"Could you be able to go on one of the slime block machines? Have you thought of that?" Red Steve asked.

"Calculating... calculating..."

"Calculation completed. His chances of survival increases massively, to twenty five percent, at least on paper. In practice, there is a chance the solar storm could fry and ruin my systems. There is no other practical option other than waiting this storm out. In the mean time, I will stay on this space station, in case of any further problems that may develop," Assistant Steve calculated.

With no other option, the 5 other astronauts and Assistant Steve are forced to wait out the solar storm. The astronauts thought of Orange Steve. Even though his decision to go out alone was stupid, he's still a steve, he's still one of them.

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