The New Professor

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"And that was who Sabre was. This garden has been this way since too. I sometimes come back here, to remember the good old days." M had finished explaining to N who Sabre was. Then, Assistant Steve soon came over to the 2.

"I have placed Professor Red's gravestone, where he was buried, with a sign with his name. In the meantime, I have also contacted the one who will be in place as, the new Professor."

"Does their name happen to be... Physicist Red Steve?" N asked.

"Yes, that is correct," Assistant Steve replied.

"As a matter of fact, he is waiting at the observatory. I can take you to him if you like."

"Apprentice, do you mind helping Physicist Red Steve into his new role with Assistant? I've got some writing to get on with," M requested as he then walks off.

"Take me to Physicist Red Steve please," N requested, looking at the robot.

"Okay, now teleporting... to, Physicist Red Steve. Location, the lab," Assistant Steve said as he silently teleports, one of the last upgrades the robot was given before Professor Red's passing.
After teleporting, there was a Red Steve waiting outside the entrance into the lab. Assistant Steve walks over to them.

"Oh, hello there, I believe you are, Physicist Red Steve."

"Hi, I'm ready to be the next Professor. I also been studying hard with the books he gave me," Said Physicist Red Steve.

"They're yours now, Physicist, make sure to take good care of them," Said N. Physicist Red Steve nodded.

"We had just hosted a funeral. So, you will start your work tomorrow. But today, we will show you around the lab. Also, if you are in need of any help with your work, I am there to assist you. I have helped, the old Professor, and I will help you as well during your time as the new Professor. I am looking forward to be working with you, Physicist Red Steve. You seem to be very intelligent, and fit to be, the new Professor," Said Assistant Steve.

"I can't wait to see us in space. I wish he could be there to see it," Physicist Red Steve sighed.

"Yeah, me too Physicist," N responded.
(An hour of showing around)

The 3 are down at the bottom floor, and in the room with the mini core. Infront of the mini core, is an armour stand that has a pair of goggles with orange glasses, a black top and a white lab coat.

"I knew Professor had a great lab, but this is so impressive..." Physicist Red Steve is in awe, and is looking around him.

"Did he make this core here too?"

"No. During the struggle against the First Curse, me, and Time Steve made the core, to create supercharged redstone armour to help combat, the First Curse," Assistant Steve answered Physicist Red Steve's question, then walks to the armour stand.

"This uniform here, was what Professor Red wore. Tomorrow, it will be yours to wear, as you become, the new Professor."

"Thank you, for accepting me into this role." Is all Physicist Red Steve could say, excited, but also understanding in the sheer importance of this role.

"Don't thank me, thank N, the apprentice here. He was the one who suggested you to me," Assistant Steve responded.

"I've also got blueprints for my ideas to get to space. We can discuss about it when I start tomorrow, if that's okay," Said Physicist Red Steve.

"Okay, sure. Have you got any other questions?" Assistant Steve asked.

"No, I think that'd be it," Physicist Red Steve replied. After the tour, N led Physicist Red Steve out of the lab.

(Outside the lab)

"So, how do you feel about this Physicist?" N asked.

"A bit nervous... but I think I can do this. I got to get all my books ready, so I'll be on my way," Physicist Red Steve admitted. He then walks off. N notices a grey stone to his right, so he turns that direction and sees a sign on it.

- Here rests Professor Red -

There is also a marking of a salmon on the gravestone.

"I hope you're okay," N thought to himself, thinking Professor Red as he looks at the salmon marking in the gravestone, then the fresh dirt where Professor Red himself had been buried.
(The next day, Physicist's POV)

I'm walking to my leader's home. I'm nervous, but excited to take on this new role. I've studied hard from the books I was kindly given by Professor Red. Our leader may like to see me officially become the new professor in person. I know Nice Red Steve, the apprentice does, hence why I'm heading to the leader's home.

Ah, there's the path that leads to his home. These tall buildings dwarf his home. Back in the day, that building used to look over the kingdom, but eras do come to an end. There's the door, better knock on it. *Knock knock knock*. Hello?

"Oh, hello Physicist," My leader greeted, opening the dark oak door.

"What brings you here?"

"I thought you'd like to oversee me become the new Professor in person," I replied.

"Oh, I really appreciate that. Sure, I'll come with you," My leader agreed, him walking out the door and closing it behind him.

"I'm slightly nervous, not gonna lie," I admitted.

"It'll be okay, you have Assistant and I, and others who have your back," He reassured. We began walking through our kingdom that had been turned into a city. These massive skyscrapers and apartment blocks, made of red stained glass, red concrete, red terracotta, smooth quartz... and looking at the low-rise buildings in the centre... us steves have developed so far. Professor Red was the professor who developed steve society and paved the way for space exploration. I'll be the professor that'll get us into space and discover new worlds.

"You said you're nervous, right?" My leader asked, halfway there to the laboratory. I nodded.

"Well, when I first became the leader... I was nervous too. I thought I wasn't ready, and at the time with what was going on, the weight of it all was a lot, but I pulled through it. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me, Physicist." It's always nice to here reassuring words from my leader. He's generous, but also able to enforce discipline as well. He brought up his apprentice well, N, is always nice and polite. We talked, and before we knew it, we're already at the door of the lab.

"Hey leader, and Physicist," N said to us both.

"Hey," I said back. I'm shaking on the inside. I'm gonna be the new Professor. So much weight, but I'm so excited. The door then opens, and I see Assistant come out.

"Ah, hello Red Leader, apprentice, and ah- Physicist Red Steve, the new Professor."

"Hey." It's close, closer I get, I get more nervous, but more excited.

"I'm ready." Just breathe, everything will be okay. You'll get the steves into space, you'll finish the project. Professor Red is counting on you. We then went through the entrance, heading down the spiral stairs into the lab.
(No longer in Physicist's POV)

M, N, Physicist Red Steve and Assistant Steve are now down in the lab, on the lowest floor. They head into the room with the mini core. Physicist Red Steve looks at the armour stand, shaking more as he got closer.

"When you're ready, put the uniform on. It's a big leap, I know," Said Assistant Steve. Slowly, the Physicist Red Steve edged closer and closer, until he got to the armour stand. Then, he took the black shirt, the lab coat and goggles off. Then, he first puts the shirt on, followed by the lab coat, and lastly, the goggles.

Physicist Red Steve is now the new professor.

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