The New Mission

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The solar storm had just past. Everyone was stat in the room they slept in. While they were eating a cake to themselves, they thought of Orange Steve. He wasn't the smartest out of the group. He had gone out, all on his own. The solar storm didn't help the matter either.

"I hope Assistant miscalculated. After all, no AI is perfect, right? No answer? Okay..." Violet Steve murmured, going back to eating his bread.

"I get you're trying to keep spirits up, but with that solar storm, it... doesn't look good," Red Steve replied.

"We got to have a positive mindset. If we don't, he'll definitely not make it," Green Steve said to Red Steve.

"Not gonna lie, he has just put the mission in jeopardy! He went out, all on his own, and we may have to abort the mission! All the years leading up to this may be completely ruined because of that stupid carrot! If he dies, it's his own damn fault!" Yellow Steve snapped at the group. He resents Orange Steve for his decision to go alone. He even thinks there should not even be an effort to retrieve him, and have Assistant Steve come with to carry on with the mission, without Orange Steve.

The whole group stopped eating their bread and looked at Yellow Steve. For a few seconds, there was a really, really awkward silence. Slowly, Yellow Steve sat back down onto his bed.

"Sorry, just needed to let out some steam..."

"I get where you're coming from, but we'd be the bigger people if we try to retrieve him," Said Indigo Steve.

"I know I know," Yellow Steve sighed.

"Just that what you wanted to do for so long may be cancelled because of one person, it really got to me."

"We got to think about this. What would Sabre do, if he was still here? He would want us to try and save a life-"

"You can't compare Orange Steve to what Sabre did! He sacrificed himself to save the universe!" Yellow Steve interrupted Violet Steve.

"Not my point though. He would want us to try and save a steve, wouldn't he?" Said Violet Steve. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he would," Said Green Steve.

"Hello! I have bad news. The main mission is being aborted," Assistant Steve walks into the bedroom.

"What are we going to do now?" Indigo Steve asked the robot.

"The mission isn't to save Orange, it is to retrieve him. By the time we get to him, I have concluded he will be dead. The odds of him being alive are pretty slim as it is. It is better we drop hope now and be prepared that we may be bringing back a dead body, than be hit hard that your hopes of getting him back alive are crushed," Assistant Steve bluntly puts it.

"Well we should just not bother. If he's gonna be dead, we should carry on with the mission with you, and without him," Yellow Steve harshly stated.

"Bruh, he's still a steve," Green Steve sternly responded.

"Yeah, one who screwed up years of work!" Yellow Steve yelled back.

"You two, please stop your bickering. Whether we could continue the mission or not, it has been aborted by Physicist Red Steve himself. So either way, we can't continue the mission. The new mission, is to retrieve Orange Steve," Assistant Steve brought up.

"Are you coming with, or not?" Red Steve asked.

"I cannot go, as the tower hasn't been built. As the tower can't be built, I cannot come with you. You five, must go down to get him," Assistant Steve replied.
Orange Steve is on his slime block machine. He has been on his slime block machine for almost 2 days. The surface on the moon is so near, and he just can't wait to take a step on the lunar surface. It was like his dream had come true. Even before he thought of coming on the mission, he always wondered what other worlds existed beyond the overworld.
(Orange Steve's POV)

Ugh, why couldn't we just go at the moment we got on the station? Getting some rest is understandable, but I'm never tired. Sleep is so boring, I always have that bit of energy. I do question myself if I'm a Yellow Steve painted in orange, because I have so much energy. Probably because I'm always excited.

There's also the bit where I want to be the first steve on the moon. I wanna be the first on the moon! There's so many things about me I go by different names, the best having to be Orange Painted Yellow Steve. I get why I'm called that, I'm just so energetic, and I'm not as creative as the other Orange Steves sometimes. I swear I'm a Yellow Steve in an Orange Steve body.

But... what's that headache- Agh, it hurts... so bad. I can't let it get to me though... I must... be the first steve on the moon. The headache will just go away, I'm sure of it.
(No longer in Orange Steve's POV)

The slime block machine that Orange Steve had been on for 2 solid days, has finally touched the moon's surface. He leaps off, but falls over. He hasn't felt gravity for 3 days straight. He sees through the glass visor of his helmet some sharp rocks, but he leans back so he doesn't go into them. As he landed, he felt the headache flare up again, except it hurts more this time.

Orange Steve starts looking around at his surroundings. This isn't like the overworld. The overworld is full of steves, and other life like cows, horses, sheep, bees and so on. There's also many plants, trees, grass, mountains, grass and so much more. The sky of the overworld is also bright blue, filled with clouds. There is also many different types of weather, rain, thunder, snow and the list goes on.

The moon is very, very different. It is desolate, devoid of any life. Even the ground looks dead. Unlike the different types ground in the overworld, there's only a single type of ground on the moon, rocks. Everywhere, the ground is made of dark, cold rocks. There are also no mountains, but craters, dotted all around. Some of these craters are big, some are small. But there's nothing like mountains. There is the odd hill here and there, but not massive hills like in the overworld. The sky lacks any colour other than darkness, as there is no sky. It is just the empty vacuum of space. Orange Steve was a little bit spooked as he looked into the sky, as it reminded him of the darkness. Even though the darkness hasn't been around for such a long time, it was still unsettling to think about.

Orange Steve felt the headache spring up again. This time, it brought him to the ground. The pain felt like a sword going through his skull. He also began puking in his suit, which began running all over him, inside that space suit.
(Orange Steve's POV)

What is this... pain? Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. Agh, my skin... agh, why does it feel... like liquid. Agh- The vomit isn't helping- AGH! I'm just got close my eyes and hope I wake up in the overworld!

W... what is that!?
(No longer in Orange Steve's POV)

Orange Steve has his eyes closed. But, he is moving. But it isn't himself that's moving.

Something is dragging him.

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