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today was just a normal day for baji keisuke- and by normal i mean beating up thugs behind his school campus until they're unrecognizable kind of normal.

in a regular situation, he would've been called to the office to be reprimanded for his actions- but the male had been there for more than enough times to be able to slip through the staff's fingers.

and here he was, throwing punches at his seniors just because they laughed about him staying at school for remedial classes.

"don't cry like little bitches, you knew what you shits were getting."

his upperclassmen cowered in fear, lining up in front of him- knees on the floor and lips almost kissing the dirt, begging for forgiveness at the raven-haired male.

"we're sorry! we won't do it again!"

baji's dark eyes looked at them in disinterest, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he turned his back towards the beaten and bruised seniors who were still busy bowing for forgiveness.

"don't show your faces to me again, now scram."

just as he said those words, the group of upperclassmen immediately got to their feet and scrambled away from the male who just sighed at this.

once he knows that they were away from him, baji looked down at his soiled uniform- wincing at the memory of his mom scolding him once because he had come home with blood on his uniform, it wasn't from him though.

great, he's gonna make his mother disappointed in him- again.

his eyes looked at his campus building with bored eyes, humming in thought as he placed his hands inside of his uniform pant pockets.

if it weren't for this shit called the school, he wouldn't be disappointing his mother 24/7- even if that's the reason why he was persistent throughout the school year.

to make his mother proud of him- stop her from crying to herself every night, that was the reason why he was still in this shitty school.

and even if he doesn't know or give a shit about the things that his teachers were throwing at him- cheating is a thing, but don't do it with relationships or he'll curb stomp you.

the afternoon sunshine warmed his fair face, baji walking back to his classroom to grab his bag before he'll go around and find chifuyu to annoy.

chifuyu matsuno was his friend- best friend to be exact. the two being the captain and vice-captain of the first division in toman, a gang that baji helped create.

"baji? where were you?" speak of the devil, the faux blond was there by the sakura tree with his bag the entire time.

his eyes darted down to the raven-haired males uniform, sighing at the sight of small blood splatters on his blazer and polo shirt.

"aunties gonna have your head for real this time." he said, handing baji his bag as the two began walking out of the school campus.

"eh we'll see- wanna get peyoung yakisoba?"

normally the two would immediately go to their houses to change into their toman uniforms for the evening meetings, but thankfully they weren't needed tonight and had the day off.

and when they had days off's, they would usually go grab some peyoung yakisoba at the nearest food mart and devouring it right then and there.

"i can't today. our class is having a quiz tomorrow and i have to study my ass off if i wanna pass." chifuyu groaned, dragging his feet as the two were met with a forked road.

although baji was looking forward to some good old peyoung right now, he too remembered about that test that he had- and he'll try to cram in useless information in his brain.

𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭. - 𝐛𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now