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the rain started to pour down over the dim city of tokyo, people scurrying about as they tried to seek shelter from the harsh weather.

despite it being ridiculously cold out, baji keisuke was actually thankful that it rained down on him- blood washing down the wet pavement as he walked back to his apartment complex.

his mind flashed back towards the series of events that had just happened.

his day out with his best friend got canceled, his initiation with valhalla was shit and now it was raining- could his day get any better?

and to top it all off, he still had no idea what to make for his chaotic friend's annual halloween event.

maybe the raven-haired male can get her like a puppy or something- switch out his yearly trick with a final treat? ah who was he kidding, he'll just stuff another dead animal inside a box and call it a day.

but you know, he couldn't help but think on the past years of their little gift exchange- if you consider it as one that is.

after their first year of halloween, y/n had gifted him star leggings- something that he had worn ceremoniously as a child because of how big her smile was whenever he went out wearing them.

the third was a little knitted cat plushy that her mother made that was supposed to be for the (h/c) haired girl but gave to him instead.

the last and fourth one was a picture of them both when they first entered middle school- two of them having a big smile on their faces with their fingers forming a little peace sign.

everything that she had made for him was always a treat despite knowing that he always chooses the trick- maybe that's just their friend dynamic?

nevertheless, baji felt the need to repay her- but the question is, how would he do it?

the sight of his apartment complex entered his line of sight, all of the lights open that signified that everyone was still awake despite it being eleven in the evening- let's not forget that it was still pouring.

a feeling of guilt surged him when he saw the lights still open at y/n's apartment, mind going back to his promise to her about the both of them going out tonight.

well, that's another promise down the drain. how will he show himself to her now?

"keisuke? what're you doing out in the rain?"

baji stopped on his tracks and looked behind him, the (h/c) haired girl that he was just thinking about standing there holding the umbrella above his head.

his eyes went to her side to look at the items that she was holding- if he'd have to guess, then they're groceries for sure.

the raven-haired male wasted no time- taking the umbrella from her with one hand and the other pulling at her arm to move her closer.

the fresh scent of lemons reached his senses as he held onto her shoulders, squeezing themselves to fit underneath her small umbrella- although baji left himself getting all soaked making sure that y/n was still dry.

"what're you doing out in this weather?" he asked, side-eyeing her to see if she was alright or not.

baji keisuke may look harsh and hostile to strangers- but he really is just a soft fifteen-year-old boy towards his friends.

"i was just getting something for dinner when it rained while i was at a family mart. thankfully someone after me left their umbrella out and i took it." she replied, shrugging as if it was normal to just steal umbrellas from family mart customers.

𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭. - 𝐛𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now