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there were only two days remaining until the first of november, and so far it's been quite a trainwreck.

baji keisuke was always out during the morning to go do some stuff at 'school', coming home in the dead of night with blood splotches on his uniform that clearly isn't his.

l/n y/n was used to this, med kit prepared beside the door for her to use once she heard those three familiar knocks from him.

tonight was one of those nights that the handy kit was once again used, raven-haired male sitting on her counter with her standing in between his legs to get a closer view of his face.

there were little scratches that lined his cheek and jaw- probably something that he got from either a fight or a stray cat that he tried petting on his way home.

baji leaned down to give her easy access to his face, quite enjoying how her hand would tenderly cup his jaw to tilt it just the way that she likes it.

(e/c) eyes focused on the task at hand, meticulously padding down the alcohol-covered cotton ball to make sure that it doesn't hurt the male too much.

"you should really take a break from whatever you're doing and relax." she muttered, hand reaching towards the side to grab a clean cotton ball since the other one was already stained with blood and dirt.

"it's nothing really, just some usual shit with the thugs down the street."

silence dawned down on them as the soft humming coming from the (h/c) haired girls radio served as their white noise to avoid total silence.

nights like these were very much appreciated by the raven-haired male, just enjoying his crush's presence as she takes care of him like how a woman takes care of her husband.

although they were just mere fifteen-year-olds, thoughts about their future together were always baji keisuke's get away when he needs to just sit back and breathe a little.

talk about being advanced but he really does find comfort just by thinking about her, and it helps him forget about the shit that's happening when he delves deeper into his fantasies.

his thought drifts out to their early twenties, the smell of those pesky roses that he hated but y/n seemed to love as the wedding bell tolls for them and them only- nobody else.

yeah, he's just that much in love with her to think about their future marriage on a daily basis.

a hiss escaped baji's lips when the (h/c) haired girl purposefully pressed the alcohol-soaked cotton on his wounds, dark eyes glaring at her smug features.

"you seemed to be enjoying your mind, care to share what's it about?" she asked, propping an elbow on one of his knees as she looked at him with raised brows.

"why'd ya wanna know?"

y/n rolled her eyes, getting out of his hold to throw the used cotton in the kitchen's trash can- lazily chucking them in as she went to her fridge.

"be like that then." baji chuckled at this, knowing full well that the girl didn't really like being kept from secrets- especially if she feels like it's about her.

he loved how cute she looked, pouting as she scavenged the fridge for something to drink. the raven-haired male always does things like these on purpose for the mere reason that he gets to comfort her in return.

cruel he really his, but you can't blame him for wanting her attention without dropping the fact that he likes her.

the male got down from the marbled counter and made his way close to her, feeling the cold seeping out from the fridge as he leaned on its cold exterior with a small grin on his face.

y/n ignored his presence, closing the fridge door that made it shook lightly as she made her way towards the living room- leaving a slightly shocked baji keisuke following behind her like a kicked puppy.

now he knows he messed up real good if he couldn't even get her attention by the first phase, racking his brain for the next move as the television began blasting out the opening to their usual rom-com.

he was brought out of his mind when he felt something soft tap him on the leg, looking down to see mochi the cat who seemed to be smiling at him.

the orange furred feline mewled, tail brushing against his feet as she used her head to point at y/n's direction who was busy watching her show- it was as if she's trying to tell him something.

baji crouched down to pet her, cat nuzzling her head onto his palms that made him chuckle softly.

suddenly, a lightbulb went up on his head as his dark eyes looked down at mochi- smiling to himself as he took the cat softly off the ground and into his arms.

"i'm so smart aren't i?"

back to y/n who was trying to get her mind to focus on the show in front of her, she groaned when she couldn't stop thinking about her dumb crush for the nth time every minute.

taking a pillow from beside her, she buried her face into its soft exterior and inhaled slowly, calming her nerves down as the buzzing of the television was the only thing filling the quiet room.

come to think of it, it was too quiet.

normally whenever she'd get mad or annoyed at baji, he'd be pestering her to forgive him- even if that means that he'll continuously poke her on the cheek for an hour.

did he leave? great, she's left alone with her thoughts all over again.

"there goes my chance..."

a soft pat snapped her out of her trance, head lifting itself from the pillow and tilting to look at the side- mochi smiling at her with her paws up.

baji was kneeling behind her, hands holding the feline up with a small grin on his face, fingers softly coaxing the cats' hands to do some sort of waving actions.

"heyya y/n, will you forgive keisuke please?" he said in a high-pitched voice, clearly imitating mochi who mewled in some sort of agreement.

(e/c) eyes stared at them in confusion, fully turning her body so that she's facing them. baji let out a small breath of relief, lightly bouncing the cat to make it look like it's dancing.

"c'mon y/n, forgive kei?" the (h/c) haired girl hummed in faux thought, placing a hand on her chin as if she was so deep into her mind.

"hmm... nope."

the raven-haired male and the feline both looked at each other with a surprised look, turning back to her who was smiling at them.

a chuckle left her lips, earning a look of confusion from baji who gently placed the orange furred cat down and shifted closer to her.

y/n looked at him with a small smile on her face, lightly nudging his shoulders as some form of greeting or something.

"you dummy... i was never mad to begin with." this made the male narrow his eyes at her who just shrugged, turning her attention back at the television that's still playing her show.

yes, baji keisuke felt annoyed that he had to imitate a cat's voice to get her to forgive him- but seeing the subconscious smile on her face made his heart skip a beat.

he hummed softly, smiling at this as he situated himself beside her and accompanied the girl on her show- even if it took them all night to finish the series.

the male might've looked like a fool in front of her just now- but that doesn't matter to him anymore. because even if he needs to run around with a sign on his forehead, there's only one thing that he'd admit to being a fool at.

and that's him being a fool in love with her.

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