𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩.

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"auntie, another serving of peyoung please!"

the two teenagers were now situated in the dining room- keisuke's mother making them a big serving of peyoung yakisoba as they both caught up on each other's life.

they both bonded over their bowls of yakisoba, laughing at the little stories the other was telling.

"then there was this classmate of mine who got into a fight with someone from another school- and my friend got it all on tape!"

the raven-haired male laughed at this as if he didn't just beat up some of his upperclassmen just hours ago- no not at all.

"your school's pretty lively." he quipped, y/n nodding in agreement as she finished her second serving of noodles.

to say that the two were excited and happy that they're finally getting to spend time with each other was an understatement- because they planned a whole outing for each day until halloween.

keisuke's mother silently prayed that the both of them would mellow down their spontaneous energies whenever they're out together, she doesn't want to pay another fine just because they tried setting someone's car on fire.

"hey, wanna go to the park?"

the (h/c) haired female looked at him with cheeks stuffed with noodles as she nodded, pointing a finger at the sleeping cat below her feet.

"sure. but take mochi so that we can use her to steal snacks."

"oh my god, you're so smart."

the park was different from that y/n had remembered- in all fairness she was gone for a couple of months, but just seeing the change that had happened in that short period of time gave her the feeling of nostalgia

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the park was different from that y/n had remembered- in all fairness she was gone for a couple of months, but just seeing the change that had happened in that short period of time gave her the feeling of nostalgia.

the female stuffed her hands inside of her jacket where a certain orange hair fur ball was sleeping- memories from when she and baji were kids clouded her mind as the two teenagers stopped in front of the jungle bars they used to climb up on.

"this thing hasn't changed a bit." baji chuckled at this, sitting down on one of the bars as he watched the (h/c) haired female sit down beside him who had a small smile on her face.

"you didn't change too."

y/n let out a small laugh, enjoying how the stars twinkled above them even when the night sky was moonless tonight.

silence covered them, enjoying the presence of one another that they're lucky to have right now.

things are different, both of them were now teenagers and not ten-year-olds who gave no flying fucks on what they do or what they say.

"my parents are filing for a divorce." she started, the raven-haired male looking at her with slightly widened eyes by the news.

was that the reason why she came here all alone? come to think of it- there wasn't anyone but her who occupied the apartment beside them.

"they're settling the situation abroad before my mom comes home. that's why they sent me back to avoid seeing them like that."

he couldn't understand why she still had a smile on her face despite telling him such sad news. baji keisuke was aware that she's taking the situation a bit harsh- knowing that she had grown up close to her two parents.

the male was a bit close to the couple, them taking care of him whenever his mom would work overtime.

"hey, you good?" he asked, side-eyeing the female who turned to him with a look of slight confusion.

"yeah- just a bit dazed out by the situation."

another wave of silence dawned upon the two, the distant sounds of cars passing by acted as their white noise as the two stared off onto the distance with their minds occupied on many things.

baji turned to look at her when he heard a chuckle, looking at her slightly hunched-over figure with confusion written all over his face.

"what's funny?" y/n straightened her back as she gave him a toothy grin.

"nothing- i just remembered the time when you and manjiro would climb up these jungle bars and you would always fall before you can even make it to the top."

the raven-haired male swore that he saw flowers surrounding her, the same kind as to when the two became friends.

"you would even make me carry your heavy ass to the top." she said, laughing at the memory which caused the once sleeping cat to peer out of her jacket.

when she managed to calm herself down, the (h/c) haired female leaned onto one of the supporting bars with a small smile on her face.

"come to think of it, you never told me how manjiro is. does he still carry that little blanket of his around?"

y/n seemed to notice the slight shift of auras that baji had, eyes skimming over his figure as his brows furrowed in response.

there was a minute of silence, and it wasn't the type that you'd enjoy in.

the raven-haired male let out a small chuckle, mochi going out of her little cocoon and onto his lap who toyed with her fur.

"mikey? yeah he's doing well- doesn't wash that damned blanket of his i tell you."

even with the smile on his face, the female knew that he was hiding something from her- but she knew baji too well and if he's hiding something he's gonna hide it well.

the (h/c) haired female hummed at this, looking at his figure for a moment before sighing and standing up.

she turned to him with a closed-eyed grin.

"well come on, stores won't rob themselves now do they?"

the two teenagers walked up at their apartment complex, hands full with snacks as they cackled up- almost waking the entire building with their loud laughs

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the two teenagers walked up at their apartment complex, hands full with snacks as they cackled up- almost waking the entire building with their loud laughs.

"i knew that mochi had it in her!" the orange furred feline looked at them with a pack of dorayaki hanging from its mouth.

yes, the two really robbed a small convenience store using a cat. did it work? of course it did because y/n was distracting the poor cashier while baji and mochi both stole some snacks.

"whoever had her first must be chill people." the (h/c) haired female hummed at this with a small smile on her face as they both stood in front of their respective apartment doors.

she turned to him with a grin, opening her door as he did the same.

"so, tomorrow?" the raven-haired male nodded, giving her a fangy grin as the cat walked past him and onto the apartment.


and with that, the two childhood friends both walked into their own apartments- sliding down onto the floor once the doors shut behind them.

'why didn't i tell her about mikey?'

'why can't i tell him yet?'

the clock strikes twelve, signifying that another day has ended and another is now born- leaving them six days to prepare for their surprises.

𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭. - 𝐛𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now