𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬.

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it seems as though the weather felt emphatic towards l/n y/n who was busy watching cheesy dramatic romance movies all alone in her living room.

it's not that she was enjoying it or whatever, but seeing other people's life crumbling right in front of them gave some feeling of comfort towards the (h/c) haired female.

you see, being the best friend and secret admirer of baji keisuke comes with a bunch of pro's and con's- one of which is worrying about him 24/7.

now don't get her wrong, the raven-haired male is strong for a fifteen-year-old- but that doesn't mean that accidents won't happen along the way.

and when she found out about him leaving the tokyo manji gang- a gang that he and their old friends had made, joining another up-and-coming group called valhalla, she had more reasons to worry about him.

that's why she resulted in distracting herself by watching old movies in hopes that other's suffering can calm her mind down.

it worked, however- a loud bang coming from the lighting and thunder rang around the gloomy city of tokyo causing her television to shut off.

(e/c) eyes stared at her reflection through the dark screen, looking at her slightly disheveled figure.
the bandages wrapped around her knees and hands caught her attention with a sigh escaping from her mouth- so much for thrifting.

"there goes my distraction." she groaned, (h/c) hair sprawled messily behind her as she laid back down on her wooden floors.

thank god that it was still afternoon, giving her a dim light that was enough for her to see what's going on around her room.

nothing much happened, just wrappers from both candy and junk food littered all around- making her furrow her eyebrows in annoyance.

"i really need to throw you guys out."

y/n stared at the mess for a minute before sighing and turning so that her eyes would focus on the ceiling.

thoughts began swarming her mind like how a bee would swarm an area with their queen- the annoying buzzing of her imaginations acted as a great white noise to cancel out the sound of rain from outside.

gosh, falling for your best friend sure is a lot of work.

the constant acting that you need to do in front of them so that your feelings won't leek out- afraid that you'll ruin a well-built relationship just because you wanted to dive into it further.

images of you and him entering your mind at any time of the day, bringing a subconscious smile to your face that'd make you look like some sort of druggie.

'what if's' that you'd usually do as you lay in your bed with your mind being occupied by that one person, completely forgetting about that math homework that's left sitting on top of your desk.

yes- l/n y/n is undeniably, truly, and crazily in love with the one and only baji keisuke.

heart skipping a beat whenever he gives her that grin that makes her fall further for him- the feeling when you go down a high rollercoaster ride, that's what she describes it as.

loving the way her (s/c) hands would weave their way through his dark tresses, playing with them and decorating it with cute clips and pins that would make the male groan in annoyance but won't do anything to stop her from doing so.

the smell of cologne, metallic blood, and musk always making her mind go in a daze- that's how y/n is in love with him.

like the stars from above, she'd do anything to pluck as many of those light rocks for him- willing to give him anything because she believes that he deserves the world, and she still does.

𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭. - 𝐛𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now