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Tyler's pov
She hasn't left her room in a week. I'm getting worried about her because she still hasn't talk to me about the whole reason why she wanted to come back home. I mean yeah she would come out every once in a while but that was only to get food or go to the bathroom. She needed someone to talk to. I left the apartment and I went down to Jordan's I knock on the door and when he opened it he poked his head out "Tyler you only come over if Riley is here when she is past her curfew." he said looking down at me "Well I need your help Riley won't come out of her room and she's been crying for the past week and she's sad. Plus she won't tell me what wrong. Will you talk to her for me please?" I asked him "Yeah anything for Riley." He grabbed his jacket "What are you doing its 90 degrees outside." I said looking at the jumper in his hands "Tyler just trust me." He said locking up his apartment and walked to mine. "I'll let you two settle this Jordan but I'm trusting you." I said walking away and going into my room.

Riley's pov
I had my headphones in and I had it on full play listing to amnesia. I closed my eyes and felt the warm tears roll down my face. My heart aches so much and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I was startled by someone rubbing my back. I saw his tattoos and with my clouded vision I thought it was Ryan. But I saw his brown hair with his white tshirt on and a pair of skinny jeans. I took off the headphones and he smiled "Hey munchkin how ya feeling." I looked at him "Do I really have to answer that question?" I told him while turning my face towards the wall sniffling "No but I thought I would give it a shot." he said "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked "No not really.." I told him "Well then what do you want me to do?" He asked "Jordan right now just let me.. What are you doing." Jordan scooted closer to me "I'm going to cuddle you." he said while putting his arm around me.

I felt my heart racing and I could tell my face was turning a pink. "I brought you my jacket." he said into my hair. I sat up "Where is it?" I asked "at the end of the bed" I crawled over him and I grabbed his Mod Sun jumper and I pulled it over my head. I crawled back over him and then I got back under my blankets. Joran was looking at me "Now do you want to talk about it?" He asked I sighed "They made a bet on me." I said a little ticked off "What?" He looked at me "Yeah... I mean I thought they were my friends but it ended up like it did and what happened happened I'm just upset." I said "Well they missed out Ry." I felt my heart drop because Ryan was the only one who called me that. I felt my eyes tear up then I broke out in tears.

I felt Jordan hold me "Shh Riley." I was sobbing in his shirt bad I saw my black mascara on his white shirt "Look at what I did I ruined your shirt. a Just like I did Ryan's relationship." I was so broken and hurt I just wanted to scream. "Come on we are going to the beach." Jordan said letting me go and got out of the bed. "Riley you deserve to be happy and you need to get out of this dark room and go enjoy yourself." he pulled me out of bed and dragged me out of my room "Jordan I'm wearing my pajama pants let me go get pants on I went back in my room and found a pair of skinny jeans and slid then on. I grabbed my black vans and went out into the living room. Jordan was already ready he looked at me "Ready?" He asked I nodded my head.

We drove up to the beach and we found a parking spot and took off my shoes and socks and started to walk though the sand. Listening to the ocean was so peaceful I felt calm. My mind was cleared I felt like nothing was in my mind "Riley here let me set out the blanket." We walked a little further and we stopped and set the blanket down. We both sat down and we were looking at the waves going in and out of the ocean. I felt a small smile grow on my face "Was that a smile I saw Riley?" Jordan said cocky "Maybe." I said looking at Jordan. He smiled "I like it when you smile it looks good on you Riley." he said laying down on the blanket. I laid down next to him and we were looking at the sky as it was beginning to become a beautiful orange red.

Jordan's pov
I was watching Riley look out at the ocean and I saw a small smile grow on her lips "Was that a smile I saw Riley?" She looks over at me "Maybe." I went and laid back on the blanket "I like it when you smile looks good on you." I said looking up at the sky. I felt Riley lay next to me and we were watching the sky turn orange as the sun was setting. "Its so beautiful." she said while snuggling into me I smiled and looked down at her "It is isn't it." I wanted to be with Riley I really did but taking a risk on our friendship like that well. I just don't want to lose her. "Jordan." her soft voice voice "Yes?" I asked her "Tyler wants me home." I looked down "But we just got here." I groaned and got up and pick up the blanket.

I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. Well Jordan here goes nothing "Riley. I like you." I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her towards me "And I under stand if you don't feel the same but can I know something." she looked at me "Yes." she asked "Can I kiss you?" She Looked at me speechless and the she just nodded her head I put my finger under her chin and I leaned in and I kissed her.

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