Chapter One

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Chapter One

I walked into my Chemistry class and I saw one of Brayden's friends was in this class with me. I went to go sit in the back of the class room but then he stopped me. "Riley is it?" I looked at him and nodded "I saved you this seat I'm Mitch here let me get your bag." He grabbed my bag and set it next to his "umm thank you?" He smiled "Your welcome." He smiled "So you're new here." I nodded "Well I welcome you to our school Riley." I looked at him "Thanks." Why is he being so nice to me? "You don't talk much do you." I shook my head "Well we need to break that habit if you're going to survive this school."I giggled "Well I don't talk that much is because every time I try to talk to someone they just turn the other cheek and that's when I get into trouble." He smirked "Well I'll be here for you when ever you need to talk because I will never turn the other cheek I will always listen to you." He wrote his number in a piece of paper and gave it to me "Anytime of the day or night just give me a call okay 'Lone Wolf'? Just in case you need a friend to talk to." I smiled "Okay." I saw our teacher walk in "Oh and by the way our teacher falls asleep so we never get work in this class." I smiled "Thanks for the heads up."

Unknown POV

That little shit making moves on Riley even though he knows I have a huge crush on her. I saw him look back at me and shot me a look that said 'haha I'm getting in the way of your happiness.' I rolled my eyes and went back into carving into the desk. I've had a crush on Riley since seventh grade and me being the sarcastic jerk I am I can't say anything without it coming out rude. I looked maddie who was next to me and she looked at me like a freak. I rolled my eyes at her "Why are you a jerk?" She asked "Why are you so nosy?" She rolled her eyes and saw who I was looking at "Oh Mr.Ihatetheworld has a crush on the new girl." I looked at her "No I don't have a crush on her she's just an old friend that's all." I smiled because I remember how sweet she was to people but then that changed when she went to rehab for help. That's when she changed she became more independent and tough. The nice girl everyone loves and enjoys was gone. Such a shame.




Riley's POV

I was around the school while Will was at Baseball practice. I was walking by the field when I saw a girl getting cornered my two guys I ran over there "Hey Back Off!" I threw a can at one of them. I got there attention and I gave the girl a chance to run. "And what are you going to do about it!" One of the guys grabbed roughly "Yeah your just a girl you can't do shit." They Pinned me up against a wall and next thing I felt was the air get punched out of me. I fell to the ground and I saw one of the guys were going to kick me in the stomach. I closed my eyes and I was ready to get the shit beat out of me. "Hey Back the Fuck off her." I heard a familiar voice running towards us I opened my eyes and it was Jake. I saw him swing at one of the guys and got him right in the face. The guy was on the ground. His friend looked at Jordan and he grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him against the wall "If you or your Buddy ever touch her or even look at her just call yourself dead got it." He nodded and ran off leaving his friend on the ground knocked out. Jake looked at me and helped me up.

He looked at me and shook his head "What were you thinking Riley? You going againt to guys are you stupid?!?" I looked at him "I had to do something the poor girl was about to get hurt! You expect me to do nothing about it!?"He rolled his eyes "You're a real idiot you know that Riley you almost got beat to death." I rolled my eyes "Not the first time." I muttered under my breath he looked at me "What do you mean Not the first time Riley." I rolled my eyes "Just drop it Jake." I snapped at him "You're just lucky I was here when I was you scared me." I went to go get my bag "Well I really didn't need saving Jake." I turned back around and I felt my lips on his. I pulled away "I-I'm sorry I need to um go Wills waiting for me." I walked away from him blushing. I just gave my first kiss to a person I despised.

I saw Will Waiting in the parking lot waiting for me "What took you so long?" I looked at him "I just got lost." He rolled his eyes "Well now I'm late for meeting a friend and we have a project to do at the house." Wow hes grumpy "Sorry." I looked down and took out my phone and plugged them in and the song Welcome to my Life came on and that song killed me because there is one part of the song that Made me cry because it described me.

Do you wanna be somebody else?

Are you sick of feeling so left out?

Are you desperate to find something more

Before your life is over?

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?

Are you sick of everyone around?

With their big fake smiles and stupid lies

While deep inside you're bleeding.

The words hit me so hard that tears came out of my eyes. I felt the car go into a complete stop and we were in front of the house. I grabbed my bag and I went inside "Hi Honey how-" I didn't want to talk to her I just went straight into my room and turned on my radio and put it on full blast and I screamed and cried into my pillow. I needed help I looked down at my phone and I realized that I had a friends number who said Just in case you need a friend I grabbed the Piece of paper I turned down the music and dialed his number.

"I thought you would call." He said in a teasing voice

"Hey I know you said anytime I need you I could call right?" I said trying not to cry

"Yeah I remember." I could feel his smile over the phone

"Well I kind of need a friend right now." My voice cracked

"Okay well just give me an address and I will be over in a heart beat okay." I smiled


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