Chapter 5

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Rileys POV

I only have two more weeks here. Mitch and I were spending a lot of time together he never left my side. I Was driving with my mom and dad to the adoption center. when we parked I didn't want to get out of the car because I knew I would be going to another family then for one year I would graduate and move on. When I have my own kids I'm not putting them through this shit. "Honey you have to come out." I sighed and opened the car door and I went inside to hell. I sat in the chair next to the main guy he's was the one who sent me to my 'family'.

I saw him walk in and saw my face and smiled "Oh miss Frazier what a surprise?" He said shocked "Not much of a surprise when another family wants to give you up." I signed "Well have all the forms right here." I Looked at both of them "I thought I was leaving in two weeks not in two days?!" my mom or this woman looked at me "Honey there was a change in plans your new family wants you early so you are leaving tomorrow morning." My eyes widen. "What?!? I don't even get to spend time with him." I felt the tears roll down my face "Where am I going anyways?" I wipe the tears "Beverly Hills California." my eyes widen "That's all the way across the country!" I felt my heart break and my voice crack. "I need to see Mitch before I go please I just need to tell him where I'm going at least." I walked out of the office and pulled out my phone and called Mitch.

"Hello?" his voice broke me "Mitch I found out where my new home is." the phone call went dead silent "Where are you going?" I took a deep breath "Beverly Hills." I felt his smile go away "But you are still leaving in two weeks right?" I felt the tears roll down "I'm leaving tonight Mitch." "No that's not happening that's not fair." His voice cracked "Mitch we have four hours and I'm spending those four hours packing." "Then I'll go and see you for four hours Riley." I took a deep breath "Mitch I'm not good with goodbyes." He sighed "You are my girlfriend and nothing will change that." I wiped the tears off my face "Mitch can yo come over to my house in twenty minutes. "Of Course babe." I took a deep breath an hung up the phone.




Two hours I am still waiting for Mitch I was done packing everything. I heard a knock at the front door I ran to go open it and I hugged the person I didn't even look. I looked up and it was Brayden "Can we talk?" I looked at him and nodded. I pulled let him in and we sat in the love seat "What do you want to talk about?" I ask Curios "Well I just wanted to say goodbye and I'm going to miss you so much." he hugged me. I was a bit startled "You know Mitch told me why you've been avoiding me." his eyes widen "I'm sorry I didn't want to." I shushed him "Brayden it's okay I understand when people need some space." he looked at me so confused "What are you talking about?" I looked at him "Mitch told me that I was annoying you so that's why you've been avoiding me." He shook his head "NO thats not the readon why I stopped talking to you and avoiding you. I was jealous because Mitch has somthing that I wanted for Three painful months." I looked at Brayden "Well what ever it is I'm sure he'll give it t you." I smiled "You don't understand I wanted you."

I felt my heart drop "What?" He smirked "Yeah I have a big crush on you since the first day I talk to you." I ooked at him "Oh so that's why you get so jealous when I talk to other guys? But why me? I mean you have-'" "My girlfriend she's not real she doesn't exist I was trying to make you jealous but look where that got me."

I hugged him "Well you should have told me along time ago because the first week we knew each other I had a crush on you." He pulled away "You had a crush on me?" I nodded "What changed?" I looked at him "Mitch." I looked down "But apparently he doesn't want to see me because I only have thirty minutes before I leave." Brayden looks down "What are you hiding from me Brayden?" He took a deep breath "Well you see Mitch he wants break up with you he couldn't do it face to face so he called me and he asked me to do it for him." I felt my heart break "Why didn't he want to tell me face to face?" I scooted closers to him and I put my head on his shoulder "I'm sorry about this." I cried and shook my head "It's not your fault Mitch is the coward he wasn't man enough to come tell me himself that he wanted to."

Brayden was playing with my grey sweater "I know it hurts now but I promise you it will because I'm saying goodbye to someone I truly have feeling for and seeing her cry and hurry kills me because I just want to take her away from all the heartache." I shook my head "It's not fair." I felt him chuckle "Yeah it's not but you need to push forward and let go of the past." I shook my head "Ten." i mumbled "What?" I took a deep breath "I've been in ten different homes in my life and not one wanted me." he held me close "that's not true you will always have a home here with me and when ever no one wants you I'll be here waiting." I smiled "You and Ryan better be here when I runaway and come back here." He chuckled "I promise." I looked up and him and smiled. I closed my eyes then all of a sudden I felt him peck my lips. I opened my eyes "Oh I'm uhh sorry I just got caught up in the moment I didn't mean." I pecked his lips "God Brayden don't you know when to be quite." He smiled when he was going to kiss me again my mom walked in "Time to go Ri- am I intruding?" my eyes widen "No you weren't he was just telling me bye and some other things." she smiled "Well time to go so tell him bye and load up in the car." I sighed and I looked at him "I'm going to miss you Riley come and visit on holidays okay." I smiled and I hugged him "I'll wait for you." I looked at him "Brayden there are other girls who are better than me you don't need to wait for me." He shook his head "Nope you're one of a kind Riley and that's what I like about you." My dad honked the horn "Well I guess this is good bye." he hugged me and kissed my forehead "See you later lone wolf." he closed the car door and I was off to Beverly Hills.

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