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Tracks to listen to
Truly, madly, deeply by 1D
Stay with me by Sam Smith
Over again 1D

I was sitting... well laying on Ryan because the seats were hurring my back. Ryan was playing with my hair "Are we there yet Ryan?" I groane "I Don't know Maybe-" I saw the seat belt sighn come on "Yeah we are almost there!" Ryan covered my mouth "I've put up with your shit all this trip Riley please be quiet Just for Five minutes?" I stuck out my bottom lip "I'm sorry." I tooka deep breath and I saw he closed his eyes.I heard the Piolt over the intercome "Hello there this is your captian speaking we are going to hit a few air bumps while Landing so please stay in your seats. I was sitting in my seats then we hit an air bump then Ryan's eyes opened and grabbed my hand "Are you okay?" He asked me I didn't talk to him "I asked you a question?" I looked over at him and zipped my lips and threw the key. Ryan pulled an imaginary key out of his pocket and unlock my fake lock "Are you okay?" He asked "The question is are you?" I asked "Why do you ask?" He said "Well one your holding my hand and two I know you when you get scared." I said holding his hand "Well I'm not scared I was just making sure that your pulse was okay." he said pulling his hand away from mine. I turned and looked out the window just to see clouds.

After the flight
I was getting out of the plane and I saw a sign that said Welcome home. I know that wasn't for me. We walked passed it and went to the baggage claim to get our crap and go. I grabbed my bag and when I turned around I saw that big smile of his "Brayden!" I ran pushing through people hugged him "Hey there lone wolf." He said holding me. i let go of him and I was just all smiles and tears "I've missed you so much." I asked Turing around seen Ryan bringing my stuff "Thank you." I said "How about we get a bite to eat and catch up." Brayden said "I would love to but I want to go home." Ryan said "Oh okay well I guess it's just us two." I said "Well I'll guess We'll see you later Ryan." Brayden said "Yeah." He said taking my suitcase and went the other way.



We were in the car and we were singing along to His One Direction CD. I wish I could be here all the time. It was nice to hear Brayden's voice irl than over a computer screen. "So lone wolf how long are ya staying?" He asked "just for a week. Then heading back to LA." I said "Well it's good to see you." He said i was looking out the window. "Brayden how about you pull over and we just walk down town?" I said looking at him "Yeah that's sounds good. Just walk and talk." he said pulling over into a parking space next to a couple of businesses. He parked perfectly. "Wow Brayden I must say your driving has gotten better." I teased "Ha ha ha very funny." he said in a sarcastic way. "You know I tease." i unbuckle the seat belt and I got out of the car and I looked at this beautiful day. I took it all in and I smiled. "It's a nice day hasn't it Riley?" I heard Brayden say "Yeah very nice." I smiled and I felt Brayden grab my hand. It took me by surprise but I just smiled and went with it.

Brayden and I walked around for hours and we were just talking he gave me his jacket because it was cold. Be sides that It was nice to have a conversation with another person besides Tyler or Jordan. Yeah I love them both with all my heart but sometimes it's nice. "Earth to Riley." Brayden said while waving his hand in my face. "What goes on in that Mind that makes you zone out so fast?" he said "I don't know where to begin." I chuckled "Well I have time." he said grabbing my hand again and kissing it. "Well-" I got interrupted by bumping into someone "Oh I'm-Riley?" I recognized the voice and it made my heart drop "Hey Mitch." I said smiling then letting go of Brayden's hand. Then all of a sudden he just bear hugged me. I felt my heart race and I just didn't know how to react to him. It's been forever since I've talked to him. I felt all the memories go back. "Riley I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you at all I promise. I was being selfish I was just hurt that you just the thought of you leaving destroyed me because Riley I love you so much." he said all of that with all of his heart. But it was so awkward because Brayden was here. "Hey Umm maybe we can catch up another day Riley. I forgot I had stuff to do anyways." Brayden said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh um okay then what about tomorrow?" I asked "Tomorrow sounds like a plan." He said smiling at me "Okay tomorrow for sure. I'll text you later okay?" I said "Yeah whatever." he said walking back to his car.

Brayden's POV
I was sitting with Ryan and just getting so envious over something so stupid. She just left me there and went off with Mitch. He's playing her he didn't even want to see her again after she left. "Brayden I think it's time we have a talk." he said "About?" I asked. Well why should I because I already know what we are going to talk about. "Well Riley... You see Brayden she has a..Boyfriend back in California." He said and it made my heart drop "What?" I asked "Yeah there neighbors they met the first day she got there and zing they just happen to start dating." I took a deep breath and just felt like a complete fool. She said she loved me over Skype two days ago and now she had a boyfriend that she hasn't even told me about. "Brayden bud I know how much you love Riley but Ya know it's time-" "No." I said "No it's not time to let go. Ryan you know how much I like her and for me to drop her like that I can't. She makes me feel better and she makes me smile. She just lgives me the feels." I said "Ryan she said she loves me." I said. he looked at me and he was just in shock. When she was holding my hand and when she saw Mitch she just let go and I just wanted her to stay with me with me and only me. If I could take it back and start over again I would have told her how I felt I could actually be with her. I like her so much. I would do any thing to be with her because I like Riley.

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