133 6 12

Gone Gone Gone Phil Philips
Somebody's Heartbreak Hunter Hayes
Look after you The Fray
Anything can happen Ellie Goulding
I was baking a cake in the kitchen and Jordan was just looking at me. "What are you looking at Jordan you've been staring at me." He came around the island and he put his arms around my waist and just kissed my neck. When he did that it gave me shivers down my spine "Jordan I need to finish this." I said smirking "That's not what you were saying about ten minutes ago." He wiggled his eye brows. "What was I saying ten minutes ago Jordan??" I turned around and looked at him "I mean I would say it but Tyler is my neighbour so." He went to go give me a kiss and I turned back around "Sorry have to finish my cake." I giggled "I swear you're such a tease." I saw that Jordan's phone vibrated I look at the screen

Hey babes I miss you and I hope to see you soon last night was amazing ;) happy birthday.

I dropped the whisk "Jordan who's Kaitlin?" I saw his facial expression change "An old friend." He said "Really what happened last- wait is that Kaitlin two apartments down?" He didn't say anything and I could see the guilt in his eyes "It is isn't it... Im just gonna go Jordan." I went and I for the door he got up and he went to go grab my wrist"Don't touch me." I went out the door.

I  went inside the apartment. "Hey how was?"I didn't even hear I went and I changed out of his sweats and tshirt and sweat. I put on my own sweater and leggings. "Hey Tyler what are your plans for tonight?" I looked at him "You're looking at it." He was sitting on the couch in his onesie and he was editing a video. "How about after you're done editing we eat ice cream and watch movies all night." He smiled "Sounds like Riley broke up with Jordan." He said "Well yeah he was with another girl." I said grabbing my big tub of rocky road ice cream and plopped on the couch and started watching Once Upon A Time "Yas slay queen. Emma is such a bad ass!" I screamed I saw Tyler was looking at me with concern. "Sorry this is my show." I said sticking another spoon full of ice cream in my mouth. Then I remember a memory with Ryan when I went home for the week.

Flash back
I was taking up the whole couch and Ryan was looking at me "really this is my couch in my house scoot over. I move closer to him "that's not what I meant." He glares at me "Oh I need to get the ice cream!" I went into the freezer and I grabbed the rocky road ice cream. I went to the cabinet and I grabbed two bowls "Ryan one or two scoops?" He turned around "Don't be greedy give me three." He said "well to bad you get two because there's not enough ice cream." I said "Ugh I swear I just bought that tub of ice cream like what Friday." He complained
"Well you realize we've I've been here for the weekend and we've been living off pizza and ice cream." I said grabbing the bowl of ice cream and handed it to Ryan. I sat on the couch. Ryan looked at me "Aren't you going to get some?" I shook my head "No not in the mood..." I said looking at the TV "You haven't eaten anything all day." I could feel his stare go through my brain "Ryan I'm just not feeling well." I said looking over at him "You know you're beautiful just the way you are right?" And bam I broke into tears "Shh there there let it all out." He scooted closer toe and put his arm around me "I just want to know why he broke up with me Ryan." I cried into his shirt "Riley he left you because he's stupid any guy would kill to call himself your boyfriend. It's Mitch's loss because he had the best Damn girlfriend ever." I felt a small grin on my face "You think so?" I Asked "Riley I know so." He smiled at me then pressed his lips on the side of my head.
I had the best damn boyfriend I had and "I need to see him." I whispered "What?" Tyler asked me "I need to see Ryan." I grabbed my keys and I ran out the door. What was I going to say my mind was in panic mode and I could help but run into someone. "Ryan?" I asked "Riley listen to me." "Ryan please just listen to me. Do you remember three months ago when we were sitting on your couch?" He looked at me strange "Yeah I do Why?" I took a deep breath "Ryan I realized that you always cared for me and that you always are there for me. You've been the best person and it took me long enough and bring a stubborn idiot not to realize that how much you actually care Ryan. I like you Ryan I like you a lot and-" he shut me up by kissing me he pulled away "Riley don't you ever call yourself a idiot because Riley I want you to be my idiot. I Like you because your of your stubbornness all the way down to the little things you do." I grabbed both sides of his face and I pulled him in for a kiss. I pulled away and I just hugged him. "Please don't let me be lonely Ryan." He hugged me tightly "I wouldn't think of it babe." He kissed the top of my head.

I felt tears building in my eyes and I just cried. "I'm so sorry Ryan I was a total bitch to you." I said into his shirt "I honestly didn't care it's in the past now I just care for what's happening right now in this moment." He said holding me tighter. I knew in that moment I knew my heart was in the right place with Ryan and I feel more feeling than like for him I just don't want to express them right now. Right now I just want to enjoy this moment with him.
Ryan's pov
After the whole confession thing outside we went inside and we were watching tv. I had my arm around her. She was snuggled into me. "When do you leave?" She asked "Tomorrow Brayden left yesterday." He said "I wish you could stay longer." She said sighing "You know I would if I could." I said looking down at he "Why don't you just move to Vancouver with me." She looked up at me "Ryan I made a family here in LA and with the stuff with Tyler I travel everywhere. Like in two days I have to go to the UK for his tour I just hop around everywhere and I just got yes to that life style." She said sitting up "Then how are we supposed to make this work Riley." I was looking at her.
She was silent and she just was looking down "Ryan you know I want this to work." I looked at her "But?" She looked at me "There isn't a but Ryan I'm just enjoying myself traveling and vlogging places I've been going it's an experience." She said smiling I sighed "Just promise me to Skype me when you are in the UK please." She smiled "Riley you know we are staying in Europe for about six months right." I heard Tyler say "What?!"She said "Yeah I mean I want to stay there you and meet all of my friends,fans, and experience things on tour." I wrapped my arms around her and sighed "We will make this work Riley I promise." I pulled her in she just sighed. "Okay. I'm just going to miss you." She hugged me from the side. "Riley do what ever makes you happy. I will always be there for you and I don't care how far you are I will always have feelings for you." I said she smiled "thanks Ryan." She said kissing my cheek. Only if she knows how much I love her.
Hey Guys this is the the last chapter. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this. But I am probably not making a sequel to this because not enough people are reading this. So that is a decision in debating on making another one. But on another note I really did enjoy writing this it made me happy.

A big thank you to the people in the comments I love reading them! And a thanks for the lurkers for reading this even though you don't comment.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter Cosmic_Vibez
kik Ri_Is_A_Hippy

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